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Stop giving us more wigs!! please

Mabinogi Rep: 900
Posts: 61
in General Chat
Im tired of getting more and more ugly useless wigs, just to put in the dressing room forever
I cannot even sell them, everyone already has his/her own one...
  1. What will be better?59 votes
    1. Give us instead more beauty coupons please :'c
       32% (19 votes)
    2. Give us an special emplacement like with tails, so we can still put some hats with it
       51% (30 votes)
    3. Just stop wigs
       17% (10 votes)


  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited June 15, 2017
    Just stop wigs and beauty coupons in my opinion. Update that god damn customization once in a while. Newbies don't even want to stay in this game just because of how bad their character looks with outdated hair, ugly eyes and mouth. When they notice how other players look by buying these beauty coupons or pons to make their characters look way better than poor newbies.
    ZeolidiyacourtneyyRadiant DawnHawkleafTairikuvioletkittAellKryoMirralChanand 6 others.
  • CarlizeCarlize
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,840
    Posts: 190
    The fact that all the outfits coming out lately have wig and then wig and hairpiece is really annoying. They release beauty coupons and then we have to hide that hair with wigs? It makes no sense, I wish they'd at least have the hairpieces available too.
  • dra011dra011
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,010
    Posts: 130
    instead of wigs and beauty coupons i wish they would just give us hair we can pay for with pon again.
    GretaZeolidiyaXirielefureRadiant DawnGakkuriaquaSawaTairikuAellChattiand 4 others.
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,030
    Posts: 521
    I don't mind some wigs because it's the only way male human and elves can get facial hair...

    I don't know why they removed the beard and goatee off Odran's hair and Laertes' hair via beauty coupon...
  • lidiyalidiya
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,325
    Posts: 335
    Not only drop the wigs, and give us hairstyles(without these PITA coupons) but give us more hairstyle color options.

    People can't say it is due to the coding as they could magically add hairstyle dye amps in to give more color options...
  • MoonkaMoonka
    Mabinogi Rep: 730
    Posts: 25
    edited June 15, 2017
    the addition of beauty coupons was a mistake, i dont understand why pons werent enough? I hate having paid 15m for a pretty hair but being *Stuck* with it because i paid 15m! And I don't want to use a wig either. Just make all looks available with pon, for the love of nao. :(
  • lidiyalidiya
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,325
    Posts: 335
    edited June 15, 2017
    Moonka wrote: »
    the addition of beauty coupons was a mistake, i dont understand why pons werent enough? I hate having paid 15m for a pretty hair but being *Stuck* with it because i paid 15m! And I don't want to use a wig either. Just make all looks available with pon, for the love of nao. :(

    Honestly I feel that way as someone stuck with a 15m hairstyle that took me over 10 hours of actively spamming party ads to find.

    If the coupons unlocked the hairstyle on the account even so you can change freely with pons then there might be some argument for them, but with the completely idiotic way they are implemented is a huge detractor to the game
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,890
    Posts: 1,752
    edited June 15, 2017
    I want more wigs because I can't really change my hair... I also wanna be able to wear antonio, shylock, and Laertes wigs as a giant

    what a biased poll...where's the "No I still want wigs" option?
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    edited June 15, 2017
    Now that I think about it, why did the devs make wigs? They are completely able to add new hairstyles into the character customization. So wh--- oh wait gachapon... money. I forgot.
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    I still think wigs has more color freedom than the character creation. If they modify the customization from character creation, it would potentially become much better.
  • PolicromaPolicroma
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,730
    Posts: 564
    Until they open up brown hair to elves (and not just another shade of blonde), Wigs forever!

  • badnewsbarrettbadnewsbarrett
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,890
    Posts: 519
    edited June 15, 2017
    I like wigs just for the fact that I can't pay Pon every time I want to change my hairstyle, and I'm sure many others are the same, and also I can dye them whatever color I want. Hair coupons I agree should have never been introduced in the first place though.

    Edit: I agree Newbies should get some better options though.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Stop giving us (just) wigs?

    Wigs're nice, and actual hair options are also nice.

    It's nice to have options.
  • NamiriNamiri
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,700
    Posts: 112
    edited June 15, 2017
    Greta wrote: »
    Just stop wigs and beauty coupons in my opinion. Update that god damn customization once in a while. Newbies don't even want to stay in this game just because of how bad their character looks with outdated hair, ugly eyes and mouth. When they notice how other players look by buying these beauty coupons or pons to make their characters look way better than poor newbies.

    A brand new player creating their first character gets access to all the basic and premium/pon related appearance customization options though. While the basic ones may look ugly and outdated as hell the premium/pon options aren't too shabby.

    If anything what surely turns more newbies off the game is the excessive unreasonable skill training grind of Talents such as Ninja. Which ends up giving newbies the impression that the skills of all other Talents are equally as grindy as Ninja. It's honestly not surprising that a Talent like Ninja is one of the most popular choices for newbies given this is a game with anime style graphics after all.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    How about making a wig slot and stop making Hair Coupons you can't switch out of, Hair dyes that mysteriously disappear when you switch hairs, and everything else gacha related?
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,450
    Posts: 2,517
    edited June 15, 2017
    I wish they'd do away with the beauty coupons and just make all the hair pon-purchasable and to update all of oldest styles =T.

    Wigs are nice if you want to do a change but don't want to (or can't buy pon) pay for it via pon.
  • badnewsbarrettbadnewsbarrett
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,890
    Posts: 519
    Namiri wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Just stop wigs and beauty coupons in my opinion. Update that god damn customization once in a while. Newbies don't even want to stay in this game just because of how bad their character looks with outdated hair, ugly eyes and mouth. When they notice how other players look by buying these beauty coupons or pons to make their characters look way better than poor newbies.

    A brand new player creating their first character gets access to all the basic and premium/pon related appearance customization options though. While the basic ones may look ugly and outdated as hell the premium/pon options aren't too shabby.

    If anything what surely turns more newbies off the game is the excessive unreasonable skill training grind of Talents such as Ninja. Which ends up giving newbies the impression that the skills of all other Talents are equally as grindy as Ninja. It's honestly not surprising that a Talent like Ninja is one of the most popular choices for newbies given this is a game with anime style graphics after all.

    Actually I'm pretty sure they stopped letting new players use premium hair for their first character, you only get to use the free ones now. At least I know for a while they stopped it, unless they suddenly put it back?
  • NamiriNamiri
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,700
    Posts: 112
    edited June 15, 2017
    Actually I'm pretty sure they stopped letting new players use premium hair for their first character, you only get to use the free ones now. At least I know for a while they stopped it, unless they suddenly put it back?

    I don't know about whether or not they stopped it for a time in the past. But currently any new player creating their first character can choose any of those premium options. I know this because I've been meeting and helping out various totally brand new players in Tir Chonaill lately who had premium features. When I first met them I was surprised by the fact they had premium features since I had heard that rumor about Nexon removing premium features for newbies making their first characters. So I asked them about it and they seemed pretty confused by my question seeing as they had no idea certain features they picked were premium ones that you normally have to pay pons for. So therefore it seems newbies can indeed currently choose premium options for their first character.

  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    I love wigs. I don't use them personally but I like to give them to my alt characters. Or if I dont want them I give them to newbie players who might have missed certain wigs from events/gachas.
  • badnewsbarrettbadnewsbarrett
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,890
    Posts: 519
    edited June 15, 2017
    Namiri wrote: »
    I don't know about whether or not they stopped it for a time in the past. But currently any new player creating their first character can choose any of those premium options. I know this because I've been meeting and helping out various totally brand new players in Tir Chonaill lately who had premium features. When I first met them I was surprised by the fact they had premium features since I had heard that rumor about Nexon removing premium features for newbies making their first characters. So I asked them about it and they seemed pretty confused by my question seeing as they had no idea certain features they picked were premium ones that you normally have to pay pons for. So therefore it seems newbies can indeed currently choose premium options for their first character.

    They must have put it back then, because I joined back in like 2013/start of 2014 and I was able to pick premium features for my first character, and then... Uhh I think it was last year sometime? (Might've been longer than that though, can't remember.) I helped a friend create an account and she couldn't use the premium ones on her first one, which confused me and I remember her being disappointed about it, and then she waited until they did the event where you can change your looks for free, to be able to change hers.