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Roulette Bingo Event

Mabinogi Rep: 6,265
Posts: 176
edited September 7, 2017 in Vault
Roulette Bingo is back with a nutty twist. Stop on by and play Roulette Bingo for your chance to travel with the best detective in town, Detective Squirrel! Stop on by and grab your Bingo Scroll today!


Roulette Bingo Event

Event Dates: Thursday, Sep. 07 – Wednesday, Sep. 27

Event Details:
  • Log in to any character and receive a Bingo Scroll from Caravan Joe in Dunbarton.
  • Collect 5 Roulette Bingo Coins by logging in each day.
  • Daily login resets everyday at 7 a.m. PDT.
  • You will recieve an additional Roulette Bingo Coin every 30 minutes.
  • Complete a row on your Bingo Scroll to have a chance to get a Piece of Coupon for a Detective Squirrel Doll Bag.
  • Complete the whole Bingo Scroll to receive the Special Bingo Gift; A Piece of Coupon for a Detective Squirrel Doll Bag.
  • Collect 3 Coupon pieces to receive a Detective Squirrel Doll Bag Coupon which can be used to receive the Doll Bag!
  • Doll Bag is 2x2 in your Main Inventory and the bag has 49 slots.
  • Every spin will reward one Acorn.
  • Gather 10 Acorns to receive an Acorn Bento.
  • Drag and give the Acorn Bento to your Detective Squirrel Doll bag to receive an Empty Acorn Box after 10 minutes.
  • Use the Empty Bento Box to get some special prizes!
  • There is a known issue where Caravan Joe incorrectly states that you will receive coins from slaying monsters

Bento Box Rewards
  • Dragon Statue
  • Sundial Artifact
  • Elephant Statue
  • Topaz (5cm)
  • Star Sapphire (5cm)
  • Emerald (5cm)
  • Aquamarine (5cm)
  • Garnet (5cm)
  • Jasper (5cm)
  • Ruby (5cm)
  • Spinel (5cm)
  • Full Recovery Potion x1
  • Advanced Phoenix Feather
  • Party Phoenix Feather
  • Wax Wing x1
  • HP MP 30 Potion (Quantity: 10)
  • HP MP 50 Potion (Quantity: 10)
  • HP Stamina 30 Potion (Quantity: 10)
  • HP Stamina 50 Potion (Quantity: 10)
  • HP Stamina 100 Potion (Quantity: 10)
  • Finest Silk (Quantity: 2)
  • Finest Fabric (Quantity: 3)
  • Finest Leather (Quantity: 3)
  • Finest Leather Strap (Quantity: 3)

Bingo Box Event Rewards:
  • Detective Squirrel Doll Bag Piece
  • Bargain White Beam Sword
  • Bargain Green Beam Sword
  • Bargain Blue Beam Sword
  • Bargain Red Beam Sword
  • Bargain Rainbow Beam Sword
  • Diamond 10cm
  • Topaz 10cm
  • Star Sapphire 10cm
  • Emerald 10cm
  • Aquamarine 10cm
  • Garnet 10cm
  • Jasper 10cm
  • Ruby 10cm
  • Spinel 10cm
  • Blue Upgrade Stone (Quantity: 2)
  • Red Upgrade Stone (Quantity: 2)
  • Unrestricted Shadow Mission Pass
  • Unrestricted Dungeon Pass
  • Homestead Chamomile Seed (Quantity: 5)
  • Homestead Rose Hip Seed (Quantity: 5)
  • Regular Gem Powder
  • Fine Gem Powder
  • Full Recovery Potion (Quantity: 5)
  • Combat 2x EXP Potion (30 min.)
  • Jelly Beans of Strength
  • Chocolate Chip Cookie of Dexterity
  • Candy of Intelligence
  • Chiffon Cake of Will
  • Muffin of Luck
  • Elephant Statute
    Dragon Statute
  • Sundial Artifact
  • Rusty Hammer of Proficiency

Detective Squirrel Doll Bag
  • It is 7x7 offering a total of 49 slots.
  • The bag only takes up 2x2 in the main inventory.
  • Summon time is 2 hours and 30 minutes.
  • Summon cooldown is 1 minute.
  • Summon time resets at 7 am PDT everyday.
  • Summon effect is Intelligence +1, Will +1, and Luck +3.


Special Bingo Box Rewards:

You will receive a Squirrel Doll Bag Coupon and one of the following rewards.
  • Trade Unlock Potion
  • Enchant Protection Potion
  • Artisan Upgrade Restoration Kit
  • Fine Reforging Tool (Quantity: 3)
  • Credne's Reforging Tool
  • Commerce Reforging Tool
  • Fine Shadow Crystal
  • Lorna's Special Gold Coin Box
  • Pan's Special Gold Coin Box
  • Red Upgrade Stone of Luck
  • Blue Upgrade Stone of Luck
  • Red Upgrade Stone of Protection
  • Blue Upgrade Stone of Protection
  • Platinum Hammer of Durability
  • Lorna's Goldbox
  • Pan's Goldbox
  • Blue Upgrade Stone (Quantity: 10)
  • Red Upgrade Stone (Quantity: 10)
  • Jelly Beans of Strength (Quantity: 10)
  • Chocolate Chip Cookie of Dexterity (Quantity: 10)
  • Lollipop of Intelligence (Quantity: 10)
  • Chiffon Cake of Will (Quantity: 10)
  • Muffin of Luck (Quantity: 10)
  • Combat 2x EXP Potion (2 hrs.)



  • EraleaEralea
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,890
    Posts: 779
    Hi Saygo! Does the detective squirrel doll loot anything, like all the other looting dolls?
  • PandorafayhPandorafayh
    Mabinogi Rep: 630
    Posts: 18
    um im abit confused. i thought we had to feed the bento box to a detective squirrel to get rewards? how is that possible if we dont have the bag yet? am I missing something. the announcement (as usual) seemed a bit vague in regards to that. Like do we only get to feed the squirrel once we get the doll bag? cuz if so thats gonna be awhile... can someone explain it to me??
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    edited September 7, 2017
    um im abit confused. i thought we had to feed the bento box to a detective squirrel to get rewards? how is that possible if we dont have the bag yet? am I missing something. the announcement (as usual) seemed a bit vague in regards to that. Like do we only get to feed the squirrel once we get the doll bag? cuz if so thats gonna be awhile... can someone explain it to me??

    You're right, you can only feed the Bento Boxes to the Detective Squirrel once you actually have the Detective Squirrel doll bag.

    So you will have to save up your Acorn Bento Boxes until you managed to earn the Detective Squirrel Doll Bag.
    Don't eat the boxes yourself! You won't get anything from doing that!
    [Deleted User]
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    *Hops back into the forums*
    *Sees that another idlenogi event*
    *Hops away for another several months*
  • Sphyra21Sphyra21
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,555
    Posts: 504
    edited September 8, 2017
    ok yup, no 5 coins for loggin' in today..... this is what happens when ya mess with an event that didn't need messin' with *cough* mobs drop coins *cough cough*

    "If it ain't broke don't fix it."

    Edit: Also just used 21 coins and only got 4 new numbers......
    [Deleted User]
  • LidrsterLidrster
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,830
    Posts: 98
    edited September 8, 2017
    For those interested, that bingo follows the same rules as a well known mathematical problem.
    Wikipedia even give us the formula to calculate the average number of coins needed to fill the whole board.

    Spoiler : for 25 cells, it's 95
    [Deleted User]
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Lidrster wrote: »
    For those interested, that bingo follows the same rules as a well known mathematical problem.
    Wikipedia even give us the formula to calculate the average number of coins needed to fill the whole board.

    Spoiler : for 25 cells, it's 95

    Coupon Collector's Problem.

    And here we are trying to collect Coupon Pieces for a Detective Squirrel Doll Bag Coupon.
    [Deleted User]
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    For future bingo like events could we not recieve duplicate numbers? Meaning each time you use a coin it always grants you a number you dont have already to make it easier and less time consuming to complete? It makes it really tedious to complete the board if we keep rolling the same number several times in a row and wastes a lot of coins...

    Im really excited to hopefully get a bag from this XD The bento box for prizes seems like a cool idea. Maybe we could have a way to cook it and get prizes later even after event ends kinda like making tofu for the pandas to get bigger? Just an idea.

    Overall feeling is Yey an easy event that doesnt require combat or skill training with some cool prizes woo!
  • AmnerBrownAmnerBrown
    Mabinogi Rep: 810
    Posts: 11
    edited September 8, 2017
    Got the stamp " A special stamp that can be used to fill out any number of your bingo card that you like. What a freebie!" It is supposed to allow you a freebie space, used it and absolutely nothing.
    [Deleted User]
  • LeiliciaLeilicia
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,620
    Posts: 313
    AmnerBrown wrote: »
    Got the stamp " A special stamp that can be used to fill out any number of your bingo card that you like. What a freebie!" It is supposed to allow you a freebie space, used it and absolutely nothing.

    What do you mean absolutely nothing? How full is your card? It randomly chooses an empty space. If you only had 1 spot left, it'd be noticeable (like Hardmuscle said above).
  • EraleaEralea
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,890
    Posts: 779
    As much as I hate rolling duplicates too, it wouldn't be Roulette if we didn't get them. It would just be a "stack 75 coins to get a bag" event. There'd be no need for the wheel or even the bingo cards.

    And then the forums would grumble about the event being too boring, too unimaginative and too short.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Eralea wrote: »
    As much as I hate rolling duplicates too, it wouldn't be Roulette if we didn't get them. It would just be a "stack 75 coins to get a bag" event. There'd be no need for the wheel or even the bingo cards.

    And then the forums would grumble about the event being too boring, too unimaginative and too short.

    Ya'know what event had you collecting X coins for Y prizes?


    I guess that sorta thing only works if you have a storyline to do it with?
  • AmnerBrownAmnerBrown
    Mabinogi Rep: 810
    Posts: 11
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    AmnerBrown wrote: »
    Got the stamp " A special stamp that can be used to fill out any number of your bingo card that you like. What a freebie!" It is supposed to allow you a freebie space, used it and absolutely nothing.
    After seeing your post (being reminded of the time) I relogged, received and used the stamp. It randomly chose one of the 3 numbers I had left on my card (as opposed to letting me choose a number like 'I could've sworn it implied it would do' .. "any number of your bingo card that you like" should say "one number on your bingo card that you need" .. .. lol .. ). ~ I should've saved it for the last number. /facepaw :o :s

    I literally did save it for last number. Been trying to get the last one and then I got the stamp so I used it. it literally did nothing.
  • DingigraphiDingigraphi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,935
    Posts: 96
    Idk if i should be mad or completely aggravated. Congrats you have picked up your bingo card now you will spend 4 days trying to get that board completed. You get your stamp? Well did you use it when your almost done. Bad news!!! IT Does jack garbage. used mine at 4 away... Didn't work i still had 4. and then the chance of the number's that i need to complete the first bingo card, are so like 4% So it Chances are i will be spending all day trying to get just 1 of those numbers. Wait whats that you also get a bento box once you collect 10 acorns that you cant use until you complete a few cards? well guess what you are going to have about 50 of them before you get it so, your screwed. whats bad is they only stack up to 5 and they are 2x2's so therefor they eat space like crazy, no mean to complain on forums but this event is kinda dumb...
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    How about having a partial coin rewarded for duplicates kind of like trans medals you get 3 partial ones to complete a new random one? That way after you get say 3 duplicates you can get a free roll to retry for a number you actually need?

    Also are we able to get a new card if we completely fill the board?
    Sphyra21[Deleted User]DingigraphiPeloiNarisveirJJ
  • EraleaEralea
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,890
    Posts: 779
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Ya'know what event had you collecting X coins for Y prizes?


    I guess that sorta thing only works if you have a storyline to do it with?

    I liked Samhain! At least it wasn't an afk event.
    It'll be great if it comes back every year because I want to get the bags on all my storage alts (... even more storage!)
    Last year I was only able to get them on... maybe seven alts.

    If this event wasn't an afk-only event, I would be in the kitchen dungeon all weekend getting squirrel doll bags for everyone too. >>
  • nevyn25nevyn25
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,135
    Posts: 667
    Samuelalex wrote: »
    How about having a partial coin rewarded for duplicates kind of like trans medals you get 3 partial ones to complete a new random one? That way after you get say 3 duplicates you can get a free roll to retry for a number you actually need?

    Also are we able to get a new card if we completely fill the board?

    I kinda like this idea. it would make completing the board at least a little less tedious
  • DingigraphiDingigraphi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,935
    Posts: 96
    I Would have to agree with Samuelalex On that comment. It would be really Nice to get some kind of coin or ticket for dupes, so if we got a few we could get another coin to spin the wheel instead of having to wait 30 minutes just to get yet another dupe.
  • CreamyCupCakePieCreamyCupCakePie
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,355
    Posts: 46
    edited September 10, 2017
    when we feed the bento box to the squirrel, do u have to keep it summoned for tht 10 mins? and can we feed it more then once at a time and still get all the boxes after 10 mins?
  • CreamyCupCakePieCreamyCupCakePie
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,355
    Posts: 46
    edited September 10, 2017
    when we feed the bento box to the squirrel, do u have to keep it summoned for tht 10 mins? and can we feed it more then once at a time and still get all the boxes after 10 mins?

    K so I just tried it and u can still get the empty boxes when u desummon him, and only one box can be given to him at a time