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Music Dungeon not working?
I logged in to do some music dungeon runs and first thing i notice is that once i enter the "Chamber of Memories" nothing happens. The harps don't have the spiral thingy on them and no matter how many times i hit them, no music comes up and no dialog telling me to listen to them pops up either. I have tried over 5 passes now, logged off and back in 3 times and fully restarted my computer once. And still nothing.
Am i the only one having this issue?
Been sitting in the dungeon's first chest room and notes haven't appeared yet ;w;
Found the other thread on this. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have anything else to offer on it. Only thing I can suggest is that you run the dungeon with someone else as if it glitches for you it may not for the others in the dungeon.
edit: forgot to mention that i have tried re entering at least 8 times so far