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Did you made any mistakes when you were a newbie?
It's basically having spent money on ANYTHING in this game.
It's sad looking at the probably 3000$ worth of NX i could've used wiser....
I never regretted buying the nimbus and the bone dragon though because they actually help me a lot to progress but that first spending leads to another and another..I got addicted to buying nx and spent $90 (if I remember correctly) already in this game. It may not seem a lot to some people but converting the dollars to my local currency I could've bought a good 4 games with that. I have never spent this much on a game before, let alone on an online game. And I'm unemployed too lol
I just focused on grinding skills, not to mention I was completely clueless of how market shops worked
I still regret it to this day since I've been constantly looking for one these last few months.
Anyone who was playing back then would know the value of that armor during that time. *mental cringing intensifies*
NEVER. AGAIN. #giant4Lyfe
- I didn't know that there's no need to kill all the enemies in the dungeons to progress, namely in those 4 switch and locked door rooms, and mimics just can be touched while horseback until the key is found.
- I didn't know about the character cap of lvl200, was stuck on some role-playing mission in the storyline and thought "oh no, it will only get worse after lvl 300", so a lot of not-fun and silly deleveling was had.
- I didn't know about shift+click and how it makes your pet into a missile with unlimited range. Now that would be super helpful a bit earlier! Thank you, my accidental finger memory from Terraria. :'D
Yup, things like an elf character with privatized Thames Helm he can't even wear or accidentally selling something nice and tiny like gloves to NPC definitely happen sometimes... I also used a doll bag as a dungeon pass once and it was returned to me the same day I cried about it, just how crazy is it? Thanks again for the help.
Sad thing later i found out with hunger is changing channels raises it back and doing it enoigh put u back to full. Wish i knew this back in the day since this also works with hp wounds and mp and just stam itself
I would have to say that I lost maybe somewhere around 7mil by this? That's not too much gold these days, but back then as a newbie that 7mil would have helped a lot. ; 3;
- Please dont ever do this young merchants, CHECK BEFORE YOU SELL -
- the wise Mitsu-chan