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Closed Unplayable game due to lag
So, today was rather laggy and all, taking a lot just to summon a pet or move an item from your inventory.
At first I thought it was just me, so I decided to carry on with the idea of doing the Rabbie Phantasm with my friends: they said they lagged a bit and all but it would have been all good when actually starting. It did not and now we're stuck on first floor trying to clear the rooms without any problems, but it's really taking a lot since we get a 5 seconds lag before 2 seconds without lag and so on.
Is this happening to only us or is someone else experiencing this mad lag today? (or this last days since maintenance)
I confirmed with many players that they all started to lag on Mari ch2 since 3.30 pm PST.
I blame old servers
All 4 of us had that lag, so it's definitely not client-sided.
Sometimes lag is the fault of the player, the server, or the combination of both.
I do remember a time when I had huge lag though, it was from having the Discord web version up too long.
The moment I closed it 80% of my lag was gone.
Although maybe I'm not the best person to ask about lag, since my internet speed is considerably fast now.
Although it could just be Mari.
I can't really give advice if its a different server than the one I'm on.
Best of luck though.
Have you tried being smart?
If multi people from different parts of the world are getting the same thing, then I am sure it's not on their end. I highly doubt the 30 or so people who has confirmed (Between discord chats and this thread) that it is not their internet connection. It's on nexon's side right now, not our side.
@Buffalos - Yeah, Me and my boyfriend switched the ch5 and it doesnt seem to be that much of lag there at all. It seems that the lag is centered to the first cluster of channels for Mari right now. I am not sure if other servers are having this issue but yes, channel 2 mari is a lag fest right now.
Yes, it's a pain in the ass, man.
seems to mainly be effecting Mari channel 2
I also noticed I'm lagging like hell on Mari myself at the moment.
Going from ch5 to ch2 took many seconds.
Had the funnest rubberbanding experience trying to go from the Advancement Hall to the Alban Knights Assembly Area in Emain.
Shield of Trust took over 200 MP to load, if you tried it during one of the lag spikes. xD
Yeah, definitely staying off Ch2 Mari until that subsides.
Nexon's ISP must have a massive grudge against Mari's market, then.
That's something I just won't understand with this game. You'd think they'd just put hard gauge usages on stuff but nope, they do a drain per second that continues to run when the server clogs up.