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Before you count this pet off as something 'silly' and sell it cheap here's some facts:
6 x 10 inventory
basically a Flying Nimbus re-skin. it heals you on summon and all that jazz
it flies
it's ridiculous and you should love it
what did you name yours? mine is Balloonimal
So now I have a Balloon Pony...
...named Perfect Cell.
It even came with a dark green color.
A perfect match to "Cornflakes" the fairy and "PremiumKFC" the Kokopo.
Can't forget about the bike named "EASPORTS" either. Its in the game and everything.
because it has higher stats than Nimbus (im not sure now if it has 50% prot too)
its slower running but it has boost
and unlike Nimbus, it gain stats when leveling
also Nimbus inv is 8x8 not 6x10
you weren't supposed to take it so literally
Gotta catch em all
Because Minty likes socks.
Specifically - http://pokefusion.japeal.com/ (its got gen 1-3 and soon 4).
I was thinking to level it up to 200 since it has decent stats but then I realized it's really slow without the running boost. I guess I'll just use it for its heals.
I get one more today so I gotta think of a creepy name for it.
"Ponyphony" because... it's not a real pony, it's a phony made of balloon.
Oh, and the random color gods knew I like purple, so yay!
Was gonna go with "Phonypony" instead, but was already taken...
The real winner right there.
My friend has just "Pony" on Mari, but she quit back in 2009.
Haha, speaking of "not a real pony", that's exactly what I named mine. Notarealpony.
How creepy?