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2 cents about Sky Lantern Event...
the dream of having HS in Matsuri atmosphere gone in instant in my 10th box filled with nothing but trash
Also fun fact: i still didn't manage to pull off any animal hoodies or Sky Lantern balloons so far
I guess this also applies to how I find this event useful.
Free materials for life skill training.
Seriously, keep those and find someone who needs them.
Get more people to R1 of various crafts.
Couldn't hurt.
This. The skill seals are helping me to rank magic craft which is tedious as hell to rank. You don't like the event, fine. Other players will find this event extremely useful.
B>Matsuri Lanterns
I already collected as much as i could, have few of each kind materials stacked into their pouches, kinda too annoyed to stuff my pets with extra materials since i got no more pouches...
Iunno, I usually alt tab and play other games. Being rewarded while doing nothing feels great.
I got a cow hoodie and a lantern balloon from 5. But what I really want is those matsuri lanterns.
Yeah, say that to the people who have yet to get any outfits or HS props because all they are getting is useless leather and fabrics.
I think you need to look up the word underwhelming because you're literally agreeing with him while taking like you're not. I am so confused
Pretty much. I chuckled a bit.
now I'm confused too
Thought underwhelming had to do with the word overwhelming
I read it as to somebody saying 'the event is relaxed and not that big of a deal', as overwhelming usually means like 'it's a lot to deal with'
Yes, although physically the event is like nothing, mentally it's driving me insane because RNGesus hates me (i think) X_X
I apologize because honestly I never heard of it being related to disappointing, or it being used at all in fact
Let's just take in my last post as sarcasm and call it a day? x-x
I think it's more like this:
Overwhelming is like "An event that was too emotionally impacting that it stressed you out"
Underwhelming is like "An event that left too little of an emotional impact that it was disappointing"
Underwhelming could be used in the same way as the word "disappointing".
So you could say "This event was underwhelming" Or "This event was a disappointment" and it would mean the same thing.
At least that's what I've always thought.
How much you buying the lanterns for?
Today is gonna be a long day..