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2 cents about Sky Lantern Event...
Sure, the way you make cash from extra Hot Time Event rewards kinda makes sense as to why not just buy stuff since you probably are rich as hell.
That's just a droplet of rain that comes once in a blue moon dear.
I have plenty of other means of making money in between the droughts.
Not every single hot time is profitable either.
Or I'd be a billionaire+ already.
Let's be reasonable love.
Ps. I'm also putting gold back into the economy this way as well.
Others are having little to no luck trading one for female so I'm screwed.
Butler or alt.. hm.. Maybe sell one.. doubt it'll sell tbh..
Ugh. Rich people are so snobby.
What the BLEEP!
I guessin...Cool beans?
Not cool beans.
Wrong thread kek
TF> Matsuri Lantern
Sphyra of Mari >>
And whaddya know! I got a matsuri lantern XDDD