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The sound after completing a quest.
Couldn't you also just delete it?
That's not so much against the rules.
After all, you could specifically D/L Mabi without the MP3 files, so missing one shouldn't be a big deal.
But wuzzat?
That looks neat!
*cough* Fairly sure I know what you mean... or I'm dumb... *cough*
I guess DevCAT enjoys random trumpets.
Did you try turning off green screen? Sometimes that bugs it out.
EDIT > (Right Click) > Green Screen > Uncheck Show Green Screen.
That moment when i almost mistook your mouse over mine, because of how good quality of this gif is. I almost went with "Oh what the... Why my mouse is being weird- oh wait that's actually a gif one."
They aren't ZUNpets either.. or those amazing trumpets in Pokémon R/S/E.
Looks like something from Yandere Simulator..
That's because YandereDev and Hardmuscle both bought this asset in the same asset store (i assume so). It's temporary, until they create their own characters and so on.
Finally someone else likes it too!