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So I noticed some... interesting trans I've been asking for finally being added to the game (still no bisque dolls tho).
So my question to you beautiful beautiful devs is... when do they come out?
Or Chain Slash.
I'd kinda like Zebach or Female Apostle more than Girgashiy, if only due to my overexposure to Girgashiy.
It's like the dev team doesn't know how to implement new content any more.
I'm just sad people are still buying into it so hard to allow it to keep happening...and it seems to be getting worse over time. Or maybe that's because we have a new gacha literally every week. I can't tell.
Yup, the only way to get NPC transformation medals is through gacha nowadays.
Like seriously, that or Iria spam, hope you get lucky for an NPC medal, turn it into a medal coupon..
I have a friend who is gacha happy and gives me the transformation medals, but even then..
It's not fair, I don't like how I can't get them myself and I rely on people!
Is that the mentality of newbs? Well let me reiterate that I believe that the transformation system should be rewarded for merit, not cold hard cash. Nuff said there gacha lover.
Your total will be 1 arm and 1 leg please plus tax.