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She's... Keeping Track...
So, I was giving Elsie some outfits I'd found in the Baltane Mission reward boxes, and one of them I'd had duplicates of.
The squires each have a "are you sure?" sort of thing when attempting to give them a duplicate outfit.
And they get kinda bummed out if you say No.
Here's Elsie's reaction:
S-sorry Elsie...
It's the darn 3 squire limit I'm stuck with, I swear!
I bet each squire has a reaction to duplicates, so I wonder what the others' are.

I wonder if her interactions with you will get worse the more you boot her
I'm dying, send help.
I think it was either a jab at political correctness, or some of the devs/Nexon staff are just as tired as we are of gender specific gear.
A great joke either way.
Neither, it’s just a play on words, or a pun, if you will.
Oh good, for a moment I thought someone was trying to shove their ideologies down our throats.
We can't have that.
I took it she was desperate enough for any gift, and was fully prepared to wear it, as per yandere neediness.
She cray.
I guess my double in between the lines puns aren't very punny then.
Is this what she says if you've never expelled her?
That's kinda...
I mean, wow, even down to the second lmao!
She just pays attention to you...
Too much attention.
Is it love or....
wahhhhhhhh!!!!! Elsie-chan is yandere
Ohhhh gee, i had no idea! Thanks, captain obvious!
Just to keep that theme going on.