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Mabinogi Book Club


  • StagedNoteStagedNote
    Mabinogi Rep: 860
    Posts: 32
    Too soon, should've said that next week xD

    Jokes aside, I've written the last chapter of the "Story Writing." series. I've planned another novel idea, but will probably publish when I get the whole story written out, so that they're up more..consistently xP (I keep getting killed off like some third-rate character in this thread OTL)

    MabiNovel may be a passing trend, but I'm sure people time and time again will feel like posting..something. Well, looking forward to what the community has in store.

    Happy Novel Writing~

    Author Name: Twinearth
    Server Name: Mari

    The Story Writing Series.
  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    The 26th volume of "Knight's War" is now out,the next volume will out next weekend!See you there!
    IGN: Royred
    Server: Alexina
  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    Well, I've decided; I'm going to go ahead and put my expired chapters on a Pastebin account. I'll try and have that presentable by next weekend. For this week:

    Anima, Ch.30: Tangled Webs
    Author: Shaeli
    Server: Mari


    Meara and Price, who revealed himself to be the vanished hero Redire, are starting to untangle Esras' tangled web of schemes. But once they find proof of what she's done and what she's after, will anyone help them stop it?

    (Probably still going to stop doing these vignettes after chapter 32, for multiple reasons. Maybe for really pivotal chapters I'll do another.)

  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    Well, I have some bad news, good news, more semi-bad news, and more just plain news.

    The bad news, Nexon's latest paranoid gatekeeper measures have shut my old fossil of a computer out of the game. When this action was being contemplated. I'm sure some meddling executive thought something along the lines of "those tightwads who don't buy a bleeding edge computer every two years don't give us a ton of money, so good riddance."

    The good news, I had been planning on obtaining a less antiquated system for a while and was gradually saving up for it (bills, rent, and food don't leave much left over). I was hoping for a couple more months, but I just went ahead and ordered what I could afford in the moment since my hand has been forced. >_> It'll suffice to get me back in business.

    The other bad news, I'll miss out on posting a chapter this weekend, and maybe next weekend too depending on shipping times. -_-

    Finally, I did put all my expired chapters on a Pastebin account, so the few people who actually read my work can catch up (and non-Mari people can see it too now, just lacking certain elements of the audio-visual experience):

    So, temporary hiatus until I get my new computer up and running.
    I'll keep on writing in the meanwhile; what else do I have to do?

  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    The 27th volume of "Knight's War" is now out,the next volume will out on next weekend!See you there!
    IGN: Royred
    Server: Alexina
  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    So, the new computer's up and running, but it's going to take some work to get it set up to my preferences...
    At least I can log in to the game again, so I'm getting right back into the swing of things. Missed a giveaway and a double rainbow... >_< [sigh]

    Anima, Ch.31: Sedition
    Author: Shaeli
    Server: Mari


    Having uncovered proof of Esras's misdeeds, Redire and Meara confront the usurper herself when no others dare to act against her.

    (Seriously, after chapter 32 I'm not doing these vignettes regularly anymore. The one I prepared for next week took eight hours.)

  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Currently trying to write a novel about a peculiar date between Kanna and you, her captain, who she affectionately calls "onii chan". Oh yes, it will be full of adorable imoutomoments.
  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    The 28th volume of "Knight's War" is now out,the next volume will be out on the next weekend!See you there!
    IGN: Royred
    Server: Alexina
  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359

    Anima, Ch.32: Infernal Light
    Author: Shaeli
    Server: Mari

    Faced with the overwhelming might of the original Golem, Tabhartas, Meara gives in to despair at her lack of strength, and a terrifying dormant power awakens...
    Beware the nice ones: they're nice until they're not nice, and then they're really, really not nice.

    (Yeah, don't expect more of these promotional vignettes, there's no way I'm topping this.
    Updated my Pastebin with everything up to ch.28: )

  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    The 29th volume of "Knight's War" is now out,the next volume will out next weekend!See you soon!
    IGN: Royred
    Server: Alexina
  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    The 30th volume of "Knight's War" is now out,the next volume will out next weekend!See you soon!
    IGN: Royred
    Server: Alexina
  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    No art this week. Not doing it anymore unless the chapter really calls for it.

    Anima, Ch.33: Self-Denial
    Author: Shaeli
    Server: Mari

    Meara wakes in Emain Macha with the horrible realization of what she's done—briefly warped and corrupted by her own forgotten power, she'd viciously killed Esras. Having done something reprehensible that she'd have never done otherwise, she'll never be able to see herself the same way again. Untold consequences await...
  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    The final volume of "Knight's War" is now out,well this is sad,after all those time thinking about making a novel,makes me think about this world we all lived in has a meaning of living&I will do everything I can to make things right,even I would try to risk my life for other's life even I know them or not;so next week I will make bloopers of my story I made...Well thanks for your time to read my story...
    IGN: Royred
  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    RoyRed wrote: »
    The final volume of "Knight's War" is now out,well this is sad,after all those time thinking about making a novel,makes me think about this world we all lived in has a meaning of living&I will do everything I can to make things right,even I would try to risk my life for other's life even I know them or not;so next week I will make bloopers of my story I made...Well thanks for your time to read my story...
    IGN: Royred

    Congratulations on completing a long work like that.

    ...might be time to let this thread die then.

    I've still got 30 chapters on mine to go, but I'm confident I'll finish. Still posting new chapters every Saturday night.

    I'm also putting expired chapters up on Pastebin, though it's probably just a waste of time, as nobody has looked at it:

    Anima, Ch.34: An Outing
    Author: Shaeli
    Server: Mari

    Thinking herself to be condemned, Meara would just as soon shut herself away from the world and bear the consequences of assassinating Esras alone. However, from her friends' perspective, she's suddenly begun acting oddly, they have no idea what she's been through or what she's done, and feel compelled to pull her out of it. Meara can't find it in herself to be open with them, though, which is only further complicated when one of her oldest friends starts to express a romantic interest...

  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    The bloopers of "Knight's War" is now out,so now I need to think of a new story for next weekend;see you there!
    IGN: Royred
    Server: Alexina
  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    Something new, huh? I don't know if I'd even want to start another one after this. It would probably end up being just as long.
    Still carrying on, though. I've got a five chapter buffer and I'm trying to stick to at least one a week.

    Anima, Ch.35: Bean Rua
    Author: Shaeli
    Server: Mari

    Still convinced her days of freedom are fast coming to an end, and wanting to enjoy her time while she can, Meara goes on a date with her more-than-friend, who is definitely interested in their relationship being something more. Awkwardness ensues.
  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    The new story called "Ruairi's Anguished" is now out,is about when Ruairi survived an ambushed since Albey Dungeon&this will be his story!The next volume will be out next weekend,see you there!
    IGN: Royred
    Server: Alexina
  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    Still going, huh?

    Anima, Ch.36: Disillusioned
    Author: Shaeli
    Server: Mari

    When official notification that Esras was killed at the hands of a Milletian gets out, Meara's friends and associates put the pieces together and suspect her involvement. Rather than let them get involved and take the blame with her, she tries to just push them out of her life, but underestimates their loyalty.

  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    The 2nd volume of "Ruairi's Anguished" is now out,the next volume will be out on next weekend!See you there!
    IGN: Royred
    Server: Alexina
  • DanievictriaDanievictria
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,695
    Posts: 313
    I've got a brand new story up. It's a comedy. ^_^

    Author: Akxsel
    Server: Tarlach
    Title: The Dunbarton Prank Spree