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Definitely had Spring on the mind while dyeing this outfit @^@
Haha, I'm wearing almost the exact thing today!
Well, clearly you have great taste. :')
Usually I don't wear quite so much purple, but I like it for this outfit. Yay for pants!
Omg you are so cute!!!
Finally got the dress i wanted (for cheap) and after dyeing all the parts, I look cute!
Well, I might as well post my look at this point, even if it is incomplete.
Especially since I switched over to a giant.
But currently I'm wearing this outfit
I'm a huge sucker for clothes with idle animations o wo;
I've been wearing this Cores Thief Outfit since the dawn of Mabinogi. I'm super attached to it as much as it's a pre-beta modeled outfit and looks like garbage compared to newer stuff. I feel it's always gone well with the thief shoes, and my 1 weird glove. Back on Eu I used to wear an ordinary headband, but when I joined NA there was a pet event going on and I got these super cute cat ears and I've had them on ever since.
Every Fashionogi needs a pair of wings.Excuse the kinda wasteful space in the image, I was using it for somethin more photographic and just had it on hand.
still working on the dye
I like the personality your character's face and stance with the barrel chair convey.