Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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R> Status

Mabinogi Rep: 400
Posts: 7
edited March 6, 2018 in Guild and Party Recruitment

We're a new formed guild with returned but fresh players looking to expand our member count. Our goal is to grow stronger together so that would mean doing a couple of shadow missions together but also helping out fellow members with quests or certain dungeons for certain pages. We do have a discord so if you're more of an actively online but inactive in-game kind of person, we could have some chats in there. I am very knowledgeable of many of the new things added recently to Mabinogi so if you are also a returned player or just new in general, we could also have a chat about that :)

You could apply to the guild and we'll most likely accept you or
Note me in-game IGN: Riggobear
Or add me on discord: Not Senpai#0724


  • RiggobearRiggobear
    Mabinogi Rep: 400
    Posts: 7
    edited April 14, 2018
    It's been over a month and we've grown slightly... We have a guild hall and an upgraded guild stone now. I was only level 1k when I created this guild and I am now 3.5k. I only mention that to show that I'm serious about growth and and willing to help others achieve the same growth if they'd allow me to teach them. I've done the same for most of my guild members, as best as they would allow me. Unfortunately, as any other guild the level of activity has diminished, this game is too casual. Granted we only have 23 members, I'd say only about half or least than half are active at a time. I would love to get more active people on board who are willing to take the game a bit more serious, whether you are a brand new account, low level or high. We welcome all people, I don't mind inactivity but there's only got to be a limit. Again you could apply to the guild and we'll most likely accept you or...
    Note me in-game IGN: Riggobear
    Or add me on discord: Not Senpai#0724

    Looking forward to meeting new people...
  • RiggobearRiggobear
    Mabinogi Rep: 400
    Posts: 7
    Another month rolls by and we're still looking for dedicated members. We grew a bit and peaked at about 55 members but as mentioned before many people become inactive, I've done a member sweep and we're down to 45 now, still have some inactive but won't sweep till it's severe. We're a casual guild in a casual game, I mainly focus on leveling up newbies in my guild although 3/5 end up becoming inactive, regardless i'm still happy to help. We try to run dungeons together all the time, emphasis on try because not all members are active at any given moment but Fridays and weekends are pretty good to us. There is no level requirement and no other specific requirements (interview, etc) as well, I only ask you remain as active as possible :(
    If you're interested in joining, apply in game or note me :)
    IGN: Riggobear
    Discord: Not Senpai#0724
  • XeniceXenice
    Mabinogi Rep: 410
    Post: 1
    Fun guild with lovely people, they help eachother out and we do stuff together all the time. Was a solo player for a while and glad I stumbled upon this guild, highly recommend joining.