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Stuck in place while using Chain Blade

Mabinogi Rep: 1,625
Posts: 127
in Incomplete Bugs
It's for skills like Chain Impale and Chain Crush. I get stuck in place so often that it made me go post this. It's ridiculous because I rarely go post things such as this, but I'm training chain right now and it happens time to time.... and it JUST MAKES ME SO MAD O_O.

I get stuck in place and can't move until i press wasd and space bar twice, something like that with a mix of the space bar. This doesn't happen with any other skills or talents I use. It's not the computer I'm using because I tried on different computers. I don't know if it's just me or how I'm using it. I repetitively using one skill at a time since I'm training it and me getting stuck in place just adds to the ridiculous number of times I need to use the skill to train it.