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(closed) ● Art Shop ● (Happy holidays everyone!)
I'm currently at work on my phone so I'll fill out what I can in the meantime, and finish updating it when I get home
Main server IGN: (include server) Aquaheart || Ruairi
Comm type: bustup
Payment: gold
Chara's references: (http://ejlfka.tumblr.com/post/148440742196
Chara's personality: playful & mischevious, likes to play with cards
Pose reference: http://static.zerochan.net/Ukyo.(AMNESIA).full.1774232.jpg w/ one eye closed
Sorry for my lateness again ;A;...
It's alright~ You weren't able to include the 'IGN to contact in Mari: ' in the comm form ; u ; The payment amount is about 5.3mil gold. I will start asap once payment will be received^^Update: I received the payment! Tysm. Will start sketching now~
Weird, it isn't showing up for me for some reason, and when I right click and "view image" it shows a Deviantart page that says "the page you were looking for doesn't exist." Not sure why ;;
Ah, I changed the link. Try to check it out again
(don't usually post wips but for some reason it's kinda fun )
@Okamixdimsum: Thank youuu! And I have received the 3mil from Cresai! tysm~
@Gakkuriaqua: I'm glad o wo)b and it's alright lolz (imma be posting your bby tom * 7 *)9
just gonna throw in this finished piece first asfdgjdkfl
made tumblr! - http://aoishasan.tumblr.com/
(will be posting final commishes, random mabi sketches, blah blah djaldjasdio there
i will be following back, tysm~~~)
2 waitlists open!~
AND gold option is now available for all commission types o 7 o)/
Edit: I'll just leave this here in case the answer is yes. ;^; If not, ignore this post @.@
IGN to contact in Mari/Alexina: Aurala (Alexina)
Main server IGN: Enlise (Ruairi)
Comm type: (BU, HB, FB, AP sketch) FB
Payment: Gold
Chara's references: http://tinypic.com/r/9knubs/9
Chara's personality: She's shy and a little detached from the world, she specializes in magic and it's her forte. She may seem weak to those that see her, but she can hold her own quite well.
Pose reference: http://tinypic.com/r/nxulpg/9
Main server IGN: Nevine/Mari
Comm type: (BU, HB, FB, AP sketch) FB
Payment: (gold/nx/pp) Gold
Chara's references: I like letting artists choose which outfit to draw, so i'll post a link to my folder
http://tinypic.com/useralbum.php?ua=aA1TvidBoMjnLLPIG/HX/Yh4l5k2TGxc (if you prefer I choose one let me know)
Chara's personality:
Pose reference: I give you free reign here as well :'D
Background: What would a simple background cost?
Please add me on Discord as it's the quickest way to reach me. Nevine#1676 (tried to add you but gave the msg that you have to add)
And you forgot to fill in the chara personality spot..I have to know, so I can portray the chara better.As for the BG if you give me a reference I'll price it from there or maybe a description of it etc
;7; its so beautiful im crying