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(closed) ● Art Shop ● (Happy holidays everyone!)
shop re-opened~!
I was wondering if you think it'd be possible to finish a bust up before Christmas?
If so, I'm interested in ordering something again! If not, I still may go ahead and order anyways, hehe. I still love how you drew Ki'ana
Item: Bust up
Ign for contact/payment: exowolfe (Alexina) - I frequent the forums so I can communicate over messages here as well.
Character refs: https://imgur.com/uBxsRv2 https://imgur.com/dZqgOD5
Pose refs: https://imgur.com/IOVHyds https://imgur.com/dvaRcpL
I'd adore a boy-with-scarf look like the refs, kind of smiling against the winter chill. You can certainly ignore the complexity of the character ref outfit and replace with a coat/jacket/sweater with a scarf, the color scheme being black/white/blue. The character is an assured, confident and playful type.