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Best economy update ever(Auction House discussion)
An extra note, I noticed it was case sensitive. In fact, what happens is when you type something, it searched for any item with that exact text, in those exact capitals.
So if you use a capital first, you'll get, at worst, a minor lag for like a third of a second. Because there's a ton more items with a lowercase a than items with an uppercase A.
My search bars were long broken with Party, Housing boards and the Inventory Search a little more won't hurt me haha
yeah it auto searches as soon as I start typing
Still, I'm loving this update.
Thnx 4 fufilling one of my longtime wishlist. Tho not 100% but the Bank cap is a good place 2 start. Housing cap and check cap next when!?...Anytime_Soon?
Ps. And commas too. jajajjajaja.
I can put up items with only 1 trade allowed just fine.
Items with timers that aren't enchants though, and some extra's, seem to be a no go though.
And yeah, auto-search pretty much ruins any possible usefulness this thing has.
Ooooh, that explains it. I had tried it with Cave of Trials items, and thought that it was the "1 trade allowed" aspect of the item that was preventing it.
UPDATE: Wait a sec. I just tried it with a protect pot with a timer from the Cave and it worked this time. Maybe I'm confusing myself, or maybe I got confused between the pot I got from the instant event (nontradeable) and the Cave one.
You're stating that as if originality should have any bearing on the quality of this feature. It is the introduction of a commonplace convenience to assuage the playerbase's bereavements over how shops are handled, not a fictional creative work.
I suppose it does make sense if I interpret your complaint as introducing a system from another game that simply wouldn't do well here, but the auction board seems pretty nifty and feasible here. The work around to the Search Bar for now would be to go to subcategories to minimize the possibility of memory crashes, but otherwise fares better than Belfast.
I agree! So what if it looks like the auctions of other games? If it isn't broke, don't fix it! You can't own exclusive rights to practicality.
I think this is my favorite update of all time. I can FINALLY sell the stuff I could never sell in a Personal Shop that's been piling up for years, AND I can preview/buy the newest stuff from gachas too!
gIvE RAM sAcRifiCE