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Best economy update ever(Auction House discussion)
I still think names should be anonmous if you want to haggle do housing personal shop or party ads, now I know you want their name for cancelling a bid but I think working on the bidding process itself is what should be done, let's not tamper with the sellers anonmity.
Because withdrawing is a jerk move in both situations. The commonness of an impolite or immoral action doesn't excuse any one or group of individuals from the responsibility not to perform said action.
The difference here is even more clear, since it is an impromptu agreement to pay for it via an automatic system, not a simple exchange of messaging that can easily be reverted. (Which essentially seems akin to accepting someone's bid, requesting a meet up place, then getting there to be informed that the buyer has bought the item cheaper.)
I sympathize with you in this case, but why a 10 million gold item? If one wishes to test it, then I believe attempting on a lower priced item would be just as efficient, or an item someone wishes for. Although if you were testing the 9,999,999, then I appreciate it, and consider it unfortunate.
I would suggest for the game to implement a small period of time through which bids can be canceled.
Although looking at further info, it seems past bids can be saved. So perhaps I am wrong here. Perhaps for bidding, it can go to the previous bid, upwards of three times.
I've yet to bid but does it give you a warning?
I would agree with this but imagine someone bidding 25m on it only to not win it because someone else bidded 1 gold more over their offer. Moreover, the seller can cancel sale if they don't like it/get crappy bids so yeah...
The reason it takes your gold out instantly when you bid is to prevent you from bidding, then lowering your bank funds afterwords. It's much easier and less likely to break if it takes your gold on the spot, and just gives it back when you lose, rather than trust the community suddenly won't pull out all the bank money to try and cheat the system.
A hot time event item from a few months ago is not worth 20mil; that's the only reason why I'm haggling. There are some really ridiculous prices. But I think you answered my question: they aren't placing the hot time item because they want to sell, they're using it as storage.
The seller certainly has the bulk of power in this auction house, and I only hope this does not lead to a worsened inflation. Don't misunderstand me, as a seller I do appreciate the fact that I won't be haggled for ridiculously low prices. But I am slightly concerned at the possible consequences.
I'm sorry Bliss. I agree with you on a great many other things, and I hope that what I am going to say is not misinterpreted (because I do respect you), but I will have to disagree with you outright on this.
Buying and selling is an equivalent exchange. The seller has an item that they want to get rid of, and the buyer wants that item and will pay gold for it. The seller, in this case, can change their mind anytime, take back an item out of the auction house and re-implement it for a different bid range. The buyer, however, is not permitted to change their mind like the seller is. Right of the bat, you can see that this is not an equivalent exchange; one person has more power than the other.
Why is it unfair or a jerk move for the buyer to change their mind? The seller does not have exclusive rights to the buyer's money bags; that gold is the buyer's property, not the seller's. Nor does the seller have exclusive rights to sell item A; plenty of other people also have item A and have the right to sell it if they wish. There is always going to be competition in an economy, and you will always have to compete with others in both buying and selling items. It is the very heart of a free market. Insisting that it is not fair that you have to compete with people selling Item A for cheaper is like insisting that it is not fair that other people exist to compete against. Until the trade happens, a seller does not have any dibs on the buyer's money; it is the buyer's property until the trade actually happens.
A bid is not a promise, it is a proposal. It is not a guaranteed, it is a possibility.
My parents work at a firm that deals with bids; that's just how it is.
I'm assuming here so take it with a grain of salt but I think they inttended this to be bargain system without talking to anyone , if you played other games with a similar system like this it's usually this robotic because they wanted it that way.
Can I just save how much I love what was said here, and how correct this is.
I agree while there is a discussion to be had about how bids are placed, please leave all transactions anonymous as I played games like runescape and tera giving it the bare bones human interaction is how these systems rocked, to put it bluntly it was very efficient.
A system where you don't have to talk to anyone is fine. By no means do I want the seller's anonymity to be changed, I am merely voicing my reservations. And you are correct; there are still other methods by which to buy and sell, so I am hopeful that perhaps my reservations are unwarranted.
Yes I don't mind that sellers have anonymity (I have concerns, but they are not too major), but I do mind that buyers cannot have the power to change their minds. I don't see how canceling a bid can negatively affect a seller when the seller is the one who sets the bid range. Since the seller sets the bid range, then no matter what bid is placed the seller will always get a price that they are happy with. The seller will always get what they want and always has the ability to change their mind and cancel item placement. The buyer, not so much.
im fine with that just as long as the system keeps players anonymous, the bidding does need some changing but leave identity of both sellers and buyers alone please.
In a more general sense, I think it is a matter of progression in the dealing.
In other words, I considered the outright agreement than a last second backing over such reasonings to be immoral, but I should not have liken it to rules that should be reinforced like laws, which is essentially how the auction system works.
Although, having thought it over for the last few hours, I do rescind much of what I said, considering that bids can seemingly be saved on a small scale, to which I propose that an alternative solution in that if the highest bid is canceled, then the second largest bid will be automatically updated. Perhaps a cancellation duration should be in place. (I would think a few hours would then be appropriate here.)
But you are right. @WolfAndWolf
I was being indignant over past issues. My apologies. The moral situation I posed personally beforehand is not quite the moral equivalent to here.
Edit: I hate when they save drafts.
This would be true in Mabi if both sides, sellers and buyers, could cancel the auction process. At the moment though, only sellers can cancel. For the buyer, it IS a promise. Is this a problem for me? Not really, but I can see how unbalanced it can seem to some.
Ah yes, Alexina server has rarest Dead Bee you can find
What a bargain!