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Best economy update ever(Auction House discussion)
Just found out that you actually can't cancel an auction if someone bids on it. One item of mine has a 25m bid and the cancel sale button is greyed out. I guess it is fair that the seller can't back out once a person bids.
Honestly, I thought 1 1/2 day is not enough days, but then I thought... I never liked people who takes offers for weeks or even months just to try to be greedy so I'm fine with it now, but maybe have like 1-2 days more for regular listing items (auction is fine at 1 1/2 days)
I would still like a certain bidding price range though.
Also for those wondering, you can't just bid 1 gold and snipe items. There is a minimum bid system. For example, I tried bidding 1 gold more on this item and it gave me this error:
The minimum bid is even stated under the current bid.
The only times you can bid 1 gold are: when the item is SUPER cheap (like under 1k gold maybe) because then the min bid is a difference of 1 gold. You can also bid 1 gold when no one has bid on the item- but why would you? You can literally just bid the starting bid amount.
Aren't we due for an update that kills the Housing Channel anyway? =0
Should be coming up. Hopefully this year/summer/sooner
Is it that damn font again?
Internalized running dead meme.
Yep, and the fact that it's trying to list EVERY POSSIBLE MATCHING ITEM at once.
And I would like to apologize too; I went on a rant without entirely intending on doing so, possibly because I myself had some past issues (albeit from a buyer's point of view and not a seller. Basically, the seller changed the deal requirements at the last minute and pressured me into giving up more than I had originally agreed with. I really should have been allowed to walk away with no one giving me grief about it).
I will admit that agreeing to meet someone and keeping them waiting is rather rude, but I feel like that has more to do with "you're wasting someone's time" than "this money rightfully belongs to them". If a buyer had quickly changed their mind about buying something right before they meant to meet (especially if the seller changes their mind about the price), I feel like it wouldn't be as bad; the seller could simply extend the bidding duration.
I hope you understand where I come from and that I don't mean it as a personal attack against you, but just a general statement born out of a past experience.
Now that we know more information (the fact that the seller CANNOT cancel their item placement after bidding starts), it seems more fair and equal on both sides. Both parties just have to keep in mind that once bidding starts, neither can take their offer back (seller or buyer), so it's something of an actual contract (in a way).
I believe that Appearance Scrolls should appear under Scroll > Other, if there's any up on the auction board.
Though, yes, a partial search option, or their own category, would be nice.
TFW the community at large is wrong about two major aspects of the new system, and then spend half a week debating how/why it's broken.
Feels bad man... but at least we know better now I guess.
I bid one gold on an item with a minimum bid of 1, it accepted my gold, and then I was told the auction was cancelled and I was refunded my one gold, unless 'cancelled' means that someone outbid you? IDK. Maybe there's multiple conditions to cancelling/min bidding.
There's a lot to learn, and I'm wrong for assuming without checking in first (though I didn't want to risk bidding an item I don't want)
True. I wish there was some kind of confirmation I could get. Supposedly when they implemented homestead housing and eliminated guild housing, there was an uproar and now they have both. I might be out of date on what they actually have right now though.
Serious question since I've never used either, what are the benefits of a housing channel home over a homestead home?
Sorry, I'm not trying to target anyone, moreso joking about how we made assumptions, now think we've figured it out, and it might still be different.
'tis all a learning opportunity.
If they haven't changed the requirements of channels, then....Theoretically, if someone were to visit your homestead on channel 3 to buy something, then you will also have to switch to channel 3 in order to get to your homestead. That could get annoying. Other than that, I guess some people might prefer their homestead to be private and a "safe space". I know I use mine for that reason and had to escape a harasser once.
You shouldn't be able to cancel a bid EVER. Once you bid, you're locked into it until you're out bid at which point you can take your gold back, or until you buy it. I hate it when people ask me to hold items for them because it's very rare they do actually end up buying it, this prevents people from backing out. If this is a problem for you, perhaps you should think before you buy.
I do agree, there should be a min bid amount something like 5-10%.
It's not a problem for me honestly, I very rarely rescind my offer on something unless I get outbidded/run into greedy people that'll take offers for weeks. As said in previous post, I only wanted to cancel the bid because I was testing it on an overpriced eye coupon but I like that you can't cancel a bid unless someone outbids you
I've had people who bailed on the items I've held for them so it's not a problem for me, and plus there's no need to wait like a week or more for them to make the gold since you're only waiting on the auction time you've set
I've been blown off by too many people asking me to hold items. I simply won't do it anymore, had someone make me wait 3 days only to tell me on the third day, around an hour or so before I'd be on that they don't want said item anymore.
I really do not want either party to be able to back out of the auction, otherwise I could start using an alt to ghost bid all my items up higher. Sure you can do that now but you run the risk of not being outbid and losing 5%, and 5% on a rare item is a huge loss to take. While I don't back out of offers I've made, I like how it is right now.
So I try to change 1,000,000 to 1,500,000. But I can't move the cursor to change the zero to a 5. I can, however, make the number 11,000,000 because I can add another number to the beginning. This is....silly.