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You like what you like, you know? Not everyone has the same aesthetics, and your aesthetics just so happen to not involve giants in a Tea Party Dress. I always think that as long as people don't mock or send hateful words towards those whose aesthetics don't match up with their own, then it's all cool.
Don't mock what you don't like, but also don't force yourself to like something you don't like either.
Allow yourself to be yourself, while also allowing others to be themselves. It's all cool.
While I don't care about the fashion on this giant, something seems disingenuous about his pose. Without knowing anything else about him, I feel it's an act he's putting on. Maybe that's how he truly acts, and if so, then I have no problem with the giant being who he is.
As you wish.
Uguuu, those giants were me. Thanks. ' v' There's some days I wanna act cute, but sometimes I put on more black and white looking, masculine looking clothing as well when I feel like it. I've been really liking my cute outfits, though.