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Millia's Exploration Glove glitch for F Giant

Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
Posts: 1,752
edited May 6, 2018 in Bugs and Glitches
It's a pretty simple glitch and shouldn't be too hard to fix I think....

The top-most band on the Millia's Exploration Gloves doesn't show the correct color for Female giants.... You can see in the picture below that my friend has her glove dyed blue and white and her top band is blue while mine shows up as black. I have even tried on her exact glove and it turns white for me. I will also provide you a picture of the glove in my inventory where that particular part definitely shows that it is supposed to be green




it definitely effects giants, but I haven't tested it with an elf

Server: Mari


  • FluoretteFluorette
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,840
    Posts: 815
    I dyed that part brown and I can see it on my elf. Funnily enough, I wear that exact same outfit with those gloves as well.
  • ShoogShoog
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,535
    Posts: 883
    @Arjune Does this happen when wearing the glove with that particular outfit or does it happen with all outfits? I've come across instances in the past where certain outfits can affect the appearance of handgear and footwear, but with other outfits there were no issues. I've also had issues with outfit items glitching for my giant when they were perfectly fine on my human and elf characters.
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    edited May 8, 2018
    @Shoog thanks for the suggestion, because you're right some stuff does work that way.... but I just checked and it stays like this no matter what outfit I try on :P
    Fluorette wrote: »
    I dyed that part brown and I can see it on my elf. Funnily enough, I wear that exact same outfit with those gloves as well.

    guess it really does only effect giant then.. lol