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Muh cobweb farm pruvileege!
So! Turns out I need tons of thin thread for a project, which means setting up a cobweb farm, but after half an hour of hanging around Tir graveyard (not creepy at all, I know) only five spiders spawn, when it used to be at least a dozen! They're so few you can't call that a proper (or efficient) cobweb farm, specially since one of them will not shot web but follow you around, seeing if you gonna start any trouble! So I go to Emain Macha, between the northern cornfields and the Advancement Hall, and it's the same there! I didn't go to Taillteann Graveyard, because Bears, but, but... when did they reduce the number of spiders so drastically?! and WHY OH GODDESS WHY?! And what do you people do nowadays when you needs tons of thin thread?!
Usually killing the formors has them spawn more and there is usually a cap to how many can spawn. If you notice after maintenance usually there is less and you have to take out a few for more to appear. Best of luck on farming.
Those doll bags also make it possible to afk gather webs.
Still no protection against other players coming along to windmill your crowd of spiders for kicks. :I
But yeah, you have to jumpstart the (re)spawns by killing off the small initial amount of spiders.