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New KR update to help newbies
Commerce or market?
I found the problem.
Lol... There are almost no benefits for being 5k or 10k anyway... Except the fact that you can enter Rabbie Phantasm when you reach over 5k... And also you could trick elitist guilds into thinking that you are a veteran returned player who's 5-10k and join it for free carries on Phantasm, Elite SM, etc. lololol. Some guilds have level requirements for such reasons (like avoiding noob players who have zero knowledge how the game works), but if noobs will bypass this with such update then ROFL fail. Imagine a newbie jumping to 5k level, having most skills rF and joining elitist guild, GG.
Can't stop, you gotta get that 40k total level Shine of Eweca bonus.
Me when I first returned and made a new character on Alexina after Tarlach died.
I hit total lv300 right as they raised the beginner benefits to lv300 -_-
Except when I read the part about the first(?) ones completing sections (AKA the tryhards) getting handed free Nexon cash (which i assume is NX) and now I'm pissed all over again lmao
I really hope you're kidding, either that or your new. Shine of eweca under total 1k gives ~60 to all stats, at level 40k it gives ~350 to all stats some even push into the 400's. An extra 350 in a stat is pretty crazy compared to 60
IIRC it's not a huge amount, but it's still frustrating none the less.
I'm not sure what's so offensive about my posts?
Shine of Eweca doesn't do much for me at this point, right now at rank E I have +5 to stats and I rebirth at level ~70-80. Don't remember how many stat points I get at 80, but if I had to guess maybe around 10? I don't know what your total is, but at 5k I'm not even sure if I could r1 Shine of Eweca weekly if I really tried, let alone playing as casually as I do.
I'm not worried about 40k bonus at all, because Nexon will probably shut down the game before I get there xD
I didn't mean to come off as condescending what I meant was simply "Total level means a lot" I'm referring to the overall picture too, I doubt many people at all get 200 per RB. I get like 160-170 at most if I'm playing a lot. I'm also no where near 40k either.
I guess it's a matter of perspective, surely this skill has a potential, but it's not really a game changer in early to mid-game (at least in my opinion).
ah yeah when you have nearly maxed everything with little room to expand, an extra 300-400 in a stat is massive. Mid game it's not important because no one total 40k is mid game.
so what? the most dedicated of players get rewarded for their efforts. nothing wrong with that. im glad their rewarding players who show massive commitment and not just hand stuff out. or let every players do it otherwise that will be very quickly abused.
You think you could solo phantasm at just 5k? Even if you could, you'd still need a lot of high tier gear to get through it, which isn't that easy to get especially if you're new. Not to mention you still have to actually train your skills and use the ap you get handed, but still 5k ap won't get you close to finishing all the skills in the game, and on top of that echo stone reforges which cost even more ap, making that free 5k even more minuscule.
I love how people are using solo phant as a benchmark for total levels can do this. A more appropriate benchmark would be alban heroic. The difference between the two is that Phantasm is mechanically difficult, no matter how strong you are, if you run into a room without the necessary caution you will fail it, and said caution requires knowledge and familiarity with your skills. Alban Heroic on the other hand is a straight up marathon where the mobs are extremely durable, come in massive numbers, and have no mechanical difficulty besides being giant damage sponges.
In short, Phantasm is a measure of a person's skill while Alban Heroic is a measure of someone's strength.
A really skilled person can solo phantasm with a level 5k character and proper gear, but for the beginners that reach that level, they won't have the necessary skills or knowledge and will be dispatched really quickly.
You completely missed the point lol.
"You can finish training all skill in under level 1k."
Of course you can, but you still need ap???? To actually have all those skills ranked????
And on top of that, effort???? You know, to go sit down and actually train all those skills, which might be "easy" but still takes a while.
"there's people selling gear 24/7"
Okay sure, but the gold????? You need to get the gold to buy it?????
"Dragon raid drop are random"
Mhm, meaning the game will either be harder or easier depending on your luck, this point you tried to make does not matter.
"Just buy premade one if making one bother you so much"
Gold???? You have to grind for gold?????
The game's easy if you decide to pour money into it, but if you just play without spending anything it's a lot harder.
"If you are being smart about it, you can get more than 10k ap from leveling 1-5k."
Okay cool so about a 3rd of all your skills can be trained all at once!!! You still need like 23k ap to rank the rest of them.
"You can even have 2 active master talent in under level 1k if you are dedicated enough."
And your point is? That takes effort, which means it's not "too easy".
Well I guess we know how you got your gold lmao.
A level 30 echostone is like 80m+ assuming the stats aren't awful. The price just goes up from there if it has anything useful.
I very highly doubt there's anyone under 5k with phantasm breaker title, and I also doubt the people on here claiming it's that easy to get have even attempted it, let alone attempted a solo run. As of right now there's like 20 people with phantasm breaker on alexina (at least as far as rumor goes) sure people are selling good gear all the time but there's no way you're gonna be able to afford even decent CRKs at that point. Having 2 master talents under 1k doesn't mean anything either because you could have apothecary and carpentry both at master and that uses like...
basically what @Hankrillon said. It's a nice theory, but that's all it is a theory.
Step 1 rank all your skills
Step 2 buy gear
Step 3 Solo phantasm
Alright guys, wrap it up it's too easy you can describe it in 3 steps.