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[INFO] Anime Cosplay Screenshot Contest
Lesson 1: Never do anime-related contests in otaku community.
Oh i can help :^)
*adds myself as a winner right away*
Take your time~
*breathing intensifies*
I have a lot of options!
Oh well. There is always next time.
Always next ti..
I feel you, sort of... The outfit I needed didn't exist for female characters, so I wasn't able to do the cosplay I had my heart set on. It appeared that I unknowingly-mental blocked the ability to even come up with another idea.
See? Instant win!
Lol. Or cosplay Rin Tohsaka, Moriko Morioka or any other character that was in Mabinogi crossover xD
My friend once asked "Can't I just be be completely nude, wearing nothing but a wig, and proclaim I am this cosplaying character, but unclothed", believing it to be the easiest form of cosplay.
I answered to her "Yes, but baring your body is pretty lazy and uncreative cosplay, however profitable it is on the internet".
Not yet!
Ya'll are great for putting up with all these entries qwq)/ Im sure Everyone will agree ya'll put in a lot of effort for this and we thank you for letting us all bond together~!