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This is your local MabiConnus Weather Forcast!♫♪♫♪
Tarlach memes are best... So yeah... At least you tried.
*Waits for Blissfulkill's puns*
It got so bad that i got a message from someone witnessing it face to face but couldn't find the person or people doing it. so instead i stated a warning on the Alexina Server Chat. and a Warning at the Event when alot of people were present at the event The suspect: a dragon fieldboss the person messaging me stated that they saw a dragon. and a message about something from above. and it killed alot of people very quickly
You don't need to look for a culprit, because culprit reveals themselves anyway by just making this thread, you just need to look up the in-game name and that's it lol. Any time you seem them around, you'll know what to expect from them and just leave and tell others to leave too who doesn't want to be stomped by a dragon.
I highly doubt you'd need more than a few minutes to test out a chair lol
Do you take just a few minutes to test out furniture at a furniture store?
That's just how it works with some folks.
Except that furniture is real... this is digital furniture. If this were Animal Crossing, I wouldn't say anything. But: It's not.
Just seemed like another excuse to cling onto the fact that this is enough of a problem to warrant this much outcry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's the internet. What did you expect?
Yeah, internet. So? Doesn't mean people can be jerks in here too just because no one knows their real identity.
Well, when there's a certain so called leader that okays it, then people think it's ok for them to be jerks too.
Insert To President Rouhani tweet memes here.
Just because they shouldn't doesn't mean they wont. Look, I'm not entirely agreeing with this whole urn business. Personally I'd get much more out of it by doing it with friends rather than summoning it on a beach. But the point is, nothing is being done to stop them, and I doubt anything will be enforced. And why should it? In the long run, it's not as harmful as everyone's making it out to be.
People are jerks, and unfortunately we have to live in a world where that's expected. Isn't any different in this game.
Welcome to Murica.
But are they still doing it right now?
Well now I want to use my leftover urns.
DO IT!!!
This is why I like you.
The face of unbridled chaos.