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Add Sketching Collection Journals
All this sketching for the Explorer's Free Season event reminded me of this idea we had a while back. The other journals seem to be a nice incentive for people to go running around using a bunch of skills, and Sketching is so seldom used, and of no use outside Exploration, so why not give it one? Like the other journals, a picture of the sketched subject would be saved to it (so no need to hoard the actual sketches) and a star rating given depending on a number of factors, including sketching from the proper angle (no more sketches of critters' butts, or of a statue from the backside!) or in the proper light (most would require daylight, glowy thingies would require it be when they light up).
I suggest there would actually be TWO Sketching journals: one for animals and monsters, and another for ruins and structures. The animal sketch journal would rank the subjects depending on danger and rarity, so an aardvark might be rF or even Novice, while a rare Raid Boss would be r1. The structures journal would rank by how hard to find a structure is, and any special effects that might apply to it, so a simple stonehead outside Filia would be rF, while the infamous Glowing Twin Sword Statue sketch would be at least r2. Doing the collecting while also doing the associated Exploration Quest would be a nice combo for doing the activity,as you'd get a journal entry filled AND some gold and Exploration XP.
I do realize these journals potentially have a huge number of entries, but that would only add to the challenge of completing them!
I believe adding these journals would revive interest in the far off places in Iria and the Exploration skills, give bored but objective-driven people a lot of work to get busy with, and also revive interest in the more rare raid bosses (like the Giant Croc) and artifacts (like the Glowing Twin Sword Statue), adding more "content" to the game without actually having to add any (tho I do realize coding in these two journals is probably one heck of a programming job XD)
Initially, just campfires, the quality of the skill factoring into the star rating. Other things could later be added, like the floating lamps from Cobh lighthouse, or maybe even titles that illuminate a character or area.
The latter: after certain artifacts/animals are sketched, they are added to your collection. And like in the Fishing and Taming journals, your "captures" also get a star rating, from 1 to 5, and you get tasked to re-capture a certain amount at 5 stars. Not sure if is also applies to the cooking journal.
What I'd be interested in hearing more about is what kind of equipment you'd get from the associated quest.
Fishing Journal has a fishing rod, Cooking and Taming also have their special tools. What would Sketching get?
For the cooking journal, you just eat the food and it counts as collected. I don't believe there are star ratings (although that would be nice to have for it). If I remember correctly, there's also small descriptions for the food and it tells you who made the best version of the dish on your server.
An L-rod would be nice. Since the Fishing Rod is the two-hander, the Knife is the one-hander, and the Cane is the wand, the Rod could be a dual wield like the Chef's Passion.