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LF> Artists for wiki art~ ($40+/half body)
Hello all~! You may know me as the MWW admin, or you may not, but I am!!
If you're further unaware, we have a Patreon to keep the place running and one of the incentives is to commission art from community artists! So we're looking for such people to draw NPC art for the NPCs that don't have official art.
This art will not be used in game and there is no intention to try to get it in game. It will only be used on the wiki to make NPC listings and individual pages more consistent.
While I don't want to be too picky about style, quality is important, and this should roughly be considered a professional job. If you submit more than one I will be happy to be a professional reference on your résumé. It should be as similar to the NPC art style as you're comfortable with going, but for the most part it just needs to not clash with them.
I looked around at the typical pricing for half body art, the highest I found was less than what I'm offering for it. Before that keep in mind this is full colour, shaded, plain expression for an NPC who's never been seen outside of their character model (which often differs a bit from their portraits). I'm offering $40 as a standard price (to be rendered upon completion) but you are welcome to negotiate the amount. Also if you sign it, it shouldn't be visible in the thumbnail. I would prefer you not sign it and rather just upload the image yourself while specifying whatever license you feel is appropriate (I'm happy to discuss these).
This will be ongoing until every current NPC has a portrait, but at the rate we're accruing budget for it it will probably be around one every two months. I'm going to reserve the next post for characters and stuff!
EDIT: Seems like the typical size is around 450 pixels high with a narrower width, but can go up to around 700 pixels wide (as in the case of weird cat). Would recommend something around 450~500 high and width as whatever is proportional.

February 2024:
* Nona by ???
* Gavin by Sivlep
* Lazing-about Life Master Milletian by Xiokun
* Seal Merchant by Mokkezuki
* Cindy by Riagousaki
* Madoc by MoonRaccoon
September 2023: Hicca's Mom by mools
September 2023: Dart Game Guide by Xiokun
September 2023: Hamelin by Shuying
June 2023: Sieve by Leniea
June 2023: Ailbhis by Timoris
June 2023: Rab by Timoris
April 2023: Butler Sebastian by LittleMissDelirious
April 2023: Joy by Ayshius
February 2023: Dessert Merchant by LittleMissDelirious
February 2023: Kayna by chocoyuriele
January 2023: Ethel by Xiokun
January 2023: B-kun (second from left) by null
January 2023: D-kun (second from right) by Arair
December 2022: B-chan (second from left) by Ariarinko
November 2022: Milletian Developer in a Strange Land by Arair
June 2022: Soulmate-Seeking Milletian by Timoris
June 2021: Urman by SeiyaYu
March 2021: Lady Aven by Leafpetal
January 2021: Food Merchant by Nikomis
July 2020: Slevin by SnaredWolf
March 2020: Intelligence Agent by Cquiles
January 2020: Tako by Wynnie
August 2019: Alyn by Wynnie
March 2019: Tamon by Graca
November 2018: Byrun by Timoris
August 2018: Tibbie by Xiokun
(Which reminds me....)Good luck, Kadalyn!• Is there a specific resolution you're looking for? If not, do you have a preference on a size the image should be able to scale down into?
To avoid blurry thumbnails.
• And for the expression. Did you prefer them plain, smiling, or mimicing the expression they have on the in-game models?
Just making sure as the expressions for NPCs on the wiki tend to vary, so there isn't really a default one to pick.
Thank you in advance for your time! c:
I described the emotion as plain cause I think it should be an appropriate default for the character. Go talk to the char in game and get a feel for what they're like cause the model isn't really enough detail. If they seem like they'd smile, go for it! The point is that it should be their resting face. If they don't speak at all or it's too generic, feel free to ascribe character to them. I'm happy to help with this if you like, I just expect you could get a better feel for the character first-hand.
If she's interested in this sort of thing, I'm sure she'll either post in here or PM you directly.
If not, then...was worth of shot
I personally can't do digital art(ASSUMING it's digital art only) considering 1.)I don't own a drawing pad nor can afford one. 2.)I'm currently only good with drawing in paper and pencil but I only have LINED paper...
I saw this post, hope it helps?
So if you're interested, there will be plenty of next times! So stay tuned.
Advancement Guide
If you'd like to vote on these or contribute to getting art faster, consider becoming a Patron! Even at the $1 level you can still vote. ^^
I drew Byrun. c:
Bryun is such an underated side character, considering you'll run into him alot if you're a merchant.
If there are any artists willing to take up this portrait, please contact me (discord preferred but here is ok). Or if you know an artist whose art you'd like to see prominently featured on the Port Cobh town page, let them know about this.
Additionally!! Even if you have no art talent whatsoever, perhaps you have an idea for a poll category? Post here with your ideas! It could be a certain area with under-portraited NPCs (we did the Emain Puppet Workshop before) or a certain category of people, like merchants or fishermen or something. Keep in mind, I will be splitting the polls by gender, because in mixed polls people will only vote for girls.
And if you like initiatives like these or want to vote in the next poll, please consider pledging even just $1/mo at our Patreon!
I did one of my avatar a bit while ago while testing out the mabi style
Do we have to be assigned a npc or...?
However, you're welcome to contribute your own, unpaid portraits if you really want to. This category lists who remains. Particularly, old event NPCs are extremely low priority, so we may never get to commissions for them.
I wouldn't expect that sort of work of anyone, though. If someone officially claims this NPC, there's always next time, too. Currently, two other people have expressed interest to me. Your style looks like it will work to me, though! It's roughly first come first serve in terms of accepting the job though so let me know (and I'm faster to contact on discord!!)
Here you go.
Well the time has come around again and this time we're looking for an artist for Alyn! This NPC is different from the other because she has official art of her as an adult, but a proper NPC portrait would be of her as a child.
If anyone is interested, let me know. I'll probably be poking a few of you who have expressed interest before.