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An Interesting Tale


  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Walkerr wrote: »
    Did you guys walk there?

    Yup, well, I did and my bud, the rest half did or rode on something, but pretty much it was an all on-foot traveling group, lmao. It was an amusing thing to see.

    That's nice to still be able to do something adventurous and enjoyable like that.
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    Walkerr wrote: »
    Did you guys walk there?

    Yup, well, I did and my bud, the rest half did or rode on something, but pretty much it was an all on-foot traveling group, lmao. It was an amusing thing to see.

    That's nice to still be able to do something adventurous and enjoyable like that.

    Ye, but it's one of those relics of the past for me now, all my time spent online is usually in solidarity nowadays, lmao. People find what I do usually in my server at least not worth tagging along to hangout with me.

    just going to drop a little thought I had while traveling through Karu's forest after I docked into Qilla recently during my login earlier today.

    So ya boi is into all things that embody being a Treasure Hunter ironically since I actually have an interest in many aspects of it, which in this case for this tid-bit imploring thought, archaeology. So passing by and slowing racking in more relics of statues from the past like the lizard, bird, etc statues. I came across an old conclusion I had to settle with at the time of why those creatures were specially imbued with magic of the sorts to have the features to be hidden from sight, which is why we need L-Rods to uncover the whatnot's from the specific mana flow in the artifacts. So thinking on it, I came to two conclusions to why they would remotely have these animals, and likely cases they were posted to historically time-stamp hunts the ancient races like humans (generally for Rano's case at least) to have a keepsake for.
    This also leads to a another inquiry if you dig long enough like I do, that why aren't there some monsters like spiders posted on those statues as well, or certain field monsters in Rano's region in this case. This narrows and clarifies even more it's likely the ancient humans that had posted these statues in the past, and also it dictated their old way of life in hunting, and how strong they were on the scaling of power in this world, and what had been there before and what would of came later in terms of migrating or newly discovered creatures, like the Sandworm type species for example that migrated from Rano to Connous due to possible environment reasons.
    These domino effect of clue-in's from the past really do show a lot of things that sadly the general NA Mabinogi Wiki doesn't cover, or any books due to obvious work and time reasons to even add such lore as readable books, but given some different cases of the region that are covered in books, it slowly narrows and uncovers more truths to the things I happen to dig up in my occasional archaeology hunts.
    (Speaking of this info digging, I oughta make another info MabiNovel for books to archive for research's sake, lul.)

    Hope ya'll enjoy the small tid-bit of a thought and seemingly ended up being a lecture on cultural junk in Rano's region.
    I WILL BE BACK, whenever, to post more garbo things I can recall and whatnot.
    SEE YOU DIRTY HOOLIGANS NEXT TIME. (Unless you happen to find me on Mari server, lul.)
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Is swimming with the lungfish next?
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    Is swimming with the lungfish next?

    Nah man, I'ma be a lungfish. Well as close as there is to one, which is that limited NPC (sadly) medal for Transformation diary, the uh, 'Lament of Agony' fishes, lul.

    Since I'm here, and I don't know how to set up a poll thing on here.
    What's your intake on the tragic case for the transformation diary now that it's recently become a pay-to-get for new types?
    Let me know yer thoughts on that whoever is reading this thread anymore, lmao.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    edited November 1, 2018
    Walkerr wrote: »
    Is swimming with the lungfish next?

    'Lament of Agony'

    Is that LAG? xD
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    Yeah man it's LAG, lul. (Didn't even notice that actually, lmao.)


    Once upon a time, a man roamed around who was a fanatic of using Enthralling Performance for mischievous deeds happened to had another hobby involving the peculiar interest in the skill's use.
    He would enter towns and villages of many (Mainly just Tara, Dunbarton, Tir, Abb Neagh Lake from the times I can recall at least.) and flood the entire area with the animals that resided nearby, causing a mass migration and crowded circumstance for all who pass by. Also it was just amusing to see and notice the time and effort to see that all the spawned animals had just been moved into a tightly packed single area.

    P.S.- Wish I had the files for the photos I snipped then, but ye, sure is funny to capture the effort it took to just flood an entire area with all the area's monsters and animals.

    See ya dirty filth-balls next time.
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    Got a short tale for ya'll since I'm stopping by here.

    So aside from my agony and pain as I'm attempting at the final stretch of getting SS rank for my Dan 3 Healing exam, it hurtfully pains me to know that I have to quite literally be a spectator and let the AI's of a two-skill only Chick and a Red Bear duke it out, while juggling which gets what power buff first in increments. I thought Pummel, and Shooting Rush was semi-bad, but this takes another level of luck and letting the game decide if you pass or not. DREAMS OF BECOMING A PRO HEALER, ONE DAY, my Cheap Mana Magician Tikki Healing Wand will come into play one day in my dire situations.

    Hope ya'll enjoyed the small story of my grief. Hope to see another tale on here when I come back to see or to post another filthy tale.
    I'm going to flush my gold funds down Erkley Falls now for my next attempt at the exam next time. (1-800-273-8255, h31p m3)
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    It's ye boi, back from the quiet, rotten plains of Mari server's population of idle filthy dirt bags and imposing cutesy-looking trash midgits. Here to tell ya'll another tale to rack up in this thread. (If I can recall one right now.)

    There once was a Brown Explorer Cat who followed his RNG chosen owner all over the world it was placed in. It traveled many plains, the sea, and regions of many extremities.
    It watched it's owner endless wander through face of the entire world fishing and cooking whatever he could make and get his hands on during his many voyages in the distant parts of the world. The cat did not think much of it's owners intention as it followed him faithfully through many encounters and experiences during the travels.
    Very curiously the cat had always watched over it's owner as he did many sorts of activities as he wandered the world. From drinking alcoholic beverages at the nearby pub in the town they were passing or to making his own cocktails, to cooking fishes he would spend momentarily posted up at a shore to fish out a line to catch some in hopes of a slim chanced dream he had always muttered to himself in grief (h31p m3), He'd spend time carrying in his always worn out sack many supplies of food, from full courses of his own personal favorites he prepared, to over twenty (twenty one fish dishes, lul.) dishes of various delectable fish dishes he had crafted to be of good quality at the very least.
    He would travel many lengths and take many detours to sight-see the often seen but very soothing sight of vast landscapes, to very familiar faces of the towns he had passed many times. The cat always wondered what his aim was to always wander so constantly, doing side-work, odd jobs, and random expeditions to seek a bounty off hunts he would take in as he went by his way. The cat never would at the time understand his odd ventures and mishaps he come across and why he wouldn't do things he's seen many other people of his kind do. He was often alone, and so he would always summon it from the depths of it's dark realm to be his companion for the duration until it had to recess back into it's realm again until the new day would allow it to come back. It had no name of it's own, and had no other apparent purpose of use towards it's owner, other than to give him company. At the end of it's time it would follow it's owner to the end of his venture for the time being to disappear into it's own supposed realm for it's own time to return once again. And the next time he came back, they would travel the world again to see what there would be in store for them next in the next journey for that was what it's sole purpose was.

    GOOD JOKES OF A STORY RIGHT, although a little narrative in how I would describe the pet I had. It is a literal description to what this chance of a shop pet I got from a freebie give-away does with me for the majority of the time. It was like a literal three out of one chance or so of me obtaining some freebie shop pets Nexon had going months back. It was a little humorous and didn't really care much about the little inventory-less and skill-less pet that was only for keeping up a shop, but I ironically use it the most as a companion for the like hundred and seventeen or so minutes I can keep it summoned, lul.

    Hope ya'll enjoy the tale I managed to type out (if anyone reads this thread anymore), I'll be back whenever lul, to post some more dumbo stories I can recall of my own personal times in Erinn, hope ya'll can post your own interesting times in Erinn if ya'll ever feel up for it. I'm going back to the filth world now, need to get my dose of nasty goons in my retinas and a heap of sand and snow in my trousers, ADVENTURE ON HOLMES.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    @Kensamaofmari - Yeye

    Back again with another dump load for all you readers. My brain ready to dish out the new bamboozling of things I come across in THE WORLD OF FANTASY, THE LAND OF ERINN.

    But yeye, to start things off this little tale of my times, which happened to be recently.
    So I was traveling, making side profit with a commerce load and my elephant 'Joe', I happened to cross through Dunbarton given my destination to do the drop off for my next venture from Cobh to Iria, this little hooligan filth bag, while I was doing some maintenance on my items and etc in town was apparently hustling some people around to PvP I'm guessing, so didn't really mind it much given I semi-recalled who they were and I mopped them in PvP a bit too many times, so it was a little funny seeing someone into PvP still in these times. So they either must not remember me or something, but after some failures with initiating duels with other people in that filthy town square, he came to me to ask for one, I agreed and small chit-chat afterwards, told him to follow me to the nearby port so I can drop it off the cargo then spar with him real quick before I set sail for Iria, the guy follows so I'm guessing he agreed to it.

    Quite literally nearing the exit towards the direction to Gairech, the dude literally by the most nastiness means, could not by the sake of how rotten I didn't want to believe being a idle, bottom dwelling, filthy Dunbarton/Dumboton goon could be, he literally would not step foot outside of the town, like he immediately turned back the second he was like a couple meters away from the gate. Like I internally died inside with how filthy people can become in that filthy populated area. (I don't dislike Dunbarton, but given how people make it too much of a favored place to the point all or most other places are desolate, I just very SLIGHTLY have a lingering distaste for anyone who puts too much time and idling and caters to encouraging others in some weird following trend to just lurk in this literal caged up town.)

    I ended up coming back after making a one minute decision to either leave them there to rot more or to get some practice in (given my skills I used to have in PvP are about a good ten percent of what they used to be), I ended up clearing the pavement with the dude and I'm guessing he forgot how I usually or so far haven't been beat by him in a PvP since. He seemed a little wacky, might of been on some stuff probably, lmao, good jokes man.

    I hope ya'll enjoyed the small story of my recent INTERESTING TALE on Erinn. Hope to see something on here aside from my posts one day, or I'll be back whenever to post another dumbo tale of my times.

    ADVENTURE ON HOLMES, I'll see you filthy goofs next time.
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    Happy Holidays you dirty apes, ya boi is back from the depths once again with some spiced drinks and hefty dishes of tales (Just kidding I'm just going to try to recall whatever I can at the moment).

    They say if you pray to the gods of Moyer long enough, you'll be blessed with the best skills of fish culinary preparation of your server. They tell of the legend that if you learn how to decode the secrets of Erinn, you'll experience a cut-scene of the truth of what it means to have the title of transcending death. They say if you lurk around Port Cobh long enough, you'll see Madoc place mysterious barrels and crates near the docks with a despicable grin on his face at the peak of night when Eweca is at it's highest. They tell of the story of a mad man who investigates a ruins in the depths of Iria and to this day he'll never stop in his quest of old aging book guides that'll he request of to others for errands. They say if you travel to the depths of the sandstorm filled desert of Longa and uncover relic statues of old, you'll find spooky demonic goats that might or might not form a pentagram (Best done when Eweca is at a all time high peak as well for EFFECT).

    They say if you wait long enough at the waters where the Carnivorous Fish resides, you may fish one up, but the legend of the Shark Slayer will appear in a cut-scene if you happen to fish two simultaneously, the cut-scene will show a mysterious fisherman coming to fish alongside you, time passes, then as you reel a big one and feel the reward of the big catch, a second shark will rip you off the edge and take you into the waters, and then the mysterious fisherman pulls out the legendary sword Tethra and with one movement, tear the second shark in half. In the aftermath of recovering from the incident, the fisherman gathers the remains of the defeated shark into a simple leather bag after cleaning the fish of it's blood and walks off to who knows where.

    Putting the mumbo jumbo tall tales aside, I do have an actual tale of my times to share. So as I make it my urge and need to live up to my new found hobby of becoming a Chef after my long path of obtaining achievement and pride as one, I try with most ingredients I come across to not waste them, be it from cooking them myself, using the ingredients players or monsters drop, selling off the goods to the NPCs even if the resale isn't so great, and my new added in side business of selling them for relatively cheap on auction along side my other cheap wares. I came across a dip who decided to drop a Blowfish, no clue who it was, but I as second nature as it is to me nowadays, I take it up and bring it with me as I had a place I was heading on the way as I saw the ingredient. Forward in time as I manage to settle down to cook up some foods, I decided to joke as I got the preparation ingredients for some Blowfish Sashimi underway, that I'd finally get all recipes of Blowfish with Fish Soup already under my belt as best in the server, multiple times even (Which fills me with putrid PRIDE). So I was doing some cooking daily quests and some others at Belvast where I was at for the time, and after finishing that got around to preparing the dish, after talking about getting the server's best multiple times in my head, LOW AND BEHOLD, DISH PERFECTION, KNOCKED INTO THE NEXT REALM, REVIVED, AND RETURNED, a quality FIVE STAR PERFECTED dish for Blowfish Sashimi. At that very moment all I could think of at the moment was, whoever dropped this fish is a damn filthy old swine on the buy one, get one free aisle section. Also that I appreciated that this fish I manage to find on the floor wasn't wasted in the slightest. Another journey to being a pro chef, maybe even getting the Grandmaster rank when I think it's time, although I'm already a technical Master Chef by title, talent rank, and even journal rating standards I'll probably get it when I got my last Chef skill to Rank 1, but I'll probably still hold off on remotely think I'm worth holding the literal talent title of Culinary Artist until maybe I can get to fifty or more server's best recipes under my belt. I barely remember how many I hold though anyway at the moment, it's probably been twenty or so at least now, but soon I'll feel THE WIZARDRY of the worth of my dusty talent title in my list, until then this Professional Chef 2nd title will suffice my worth of pride.

    Hope ya'll enjoy the weird string-along of tall tales, and tales I could muster in. I WILL BE BACK, whenever as usual to amuse whoever reads this still. Until then, see you goofs and scums in-game or on here NEXT TIME,

  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    I can't decide if I should laugh because of what I've just read or curl up traumatized in a corner.

    That aside, I don't have any great tales to share at the moment, because I'm busy playing commander, or "mom" to a bunch of ungrateful squires.
    If anyone has any advice on disciplining this bunch, let me know.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    I can't decide if I should laugh because of what I've just read or curl up traumatized in a corner.

    That aside, I don't have any great tales to share at the moment, because I'm busy playing commander, or "mom" to a bunch of ungrateful squires.
    If anyone has any advice on disciplining this bunch, let me know.

    Lock em in the pillory.
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    I can't decide if I should laugh because of what I've just read or curl up traumatized in a corner.

    That aside, I don't have any great tales to share at the moment, because I'm busy playing commander, or "mom" to a bunch of ungrateful squires.
    If anyone has any advice on disciplining this bunch, let me know.

    Lock em in the pillory.

    And it occurs to me a rain-cast may help aid in their misery.
    I have been inspired :D
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    It's ye boi, back from the depths of the DEEP. Just coming by to post a little something since it's been a while.
    Quick question to all you out there on your take on this; Where is this game going to progress to actually?

    I honestly don't got a clue at this point aside from the occasional over-indulging power boosts in each occasional update, to the lack luster of interesting concept additions to this game that I rarely see get implemented over the passing of time. Like damn, the most interesting thing I came across during my login after a long while today was coming across a out of place snowfield ostrich along the path road up to Vales as I came through from the tunnels and into the snowfields to get to the town. I probably just need to play more again to find interesting things, but all these events and almost ridiculous amount of parties on the party board listed as 'AFK event' which only yesterday after a very short login after a long while I realized what the parties were for. I don't know how this game is going to end up at this point community and as an entirety as a game down the line. I'd like hear the goofs' opinion on this who plays this game still.

    I will see you WEEBS next time I come around here to see WHAT'S LURKING AND PERKING. (I'd set a poll to spice things up for the whole question thing, but I got no clue how to do, or be bothered to figure it out now that I wrote this far, lul.)
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Ooh, it's been over a month since last post.
    Hope they don't lock the thread.

    As the current generation says, it's apocalypse. Prepare for the worst.
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    Ooh, it's been over a month since last post.
    Hope they don't lock the thread.

    As the current generation says, it's apocalypse. Prepare for the worst.

    Basically. I'm just here to enjoy what's left, catch up on what I never finished, and then sit back with popcorn to watch everything go down.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    Ooh, it's been over a month since last post.
    Hope they don't lock the thread.

    As the current generation says, it's apocalypse. Prepare for the worst.

    Basically. I'm just here to enjoy what's left, catch up on what I never finished, and then sit back with popcorn to watch everything go down.

    At some point, gold will be use it or lose it.
This discussion has been closed.