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Naco Red Bandit Spawn Locations ♥

Mabinogi Rep: 1,335
Posts: 13
edited February 1, 2017 in General Chat
GretaFloristAeolysCaptainroseCrimsọnIzzyKuroNekoCarlizeOriiiWyndtailRerisuand 21 others.


  • SylviaWolfeSylviaWolfe
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,310
    Posts: 342
    Thank you for this!!
  • OriiiOriii
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Post: 1
    edited February 1, 2017
    Nice! Do those red bandits only spawn at one of those location or they will show up on all of those location during sunset?
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    I haven't encountered a dud spawn but I have met people who said that nothing at all spawned some nights.
    Also can I add those maps on the wiki?
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Oriii wrote: »
    Nice! Do those red bandits only spawn at one of those location or they will show up on all of those location during sunset?

    They show up at all spots during sunset.
  • ShoogShoog
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,535
    Posts: 883
    Thank you for this! :)
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    If you can manage to hold out against the red bandits, I got around 12 badges from them in one go compared to 3 when they quickly despawned.
  • ShoogShoog
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,535
    Posts: 883
    If no one is around you when they appear, try using lullaby on them, including the boss, to help control them. I noticed my ice dragon also freezes the boss for a few seconds if lullaby wears off before I'm done collecting the badges.
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    The spot just outside Bangor is usually empty if anyone wants a more empty farming zone. I farmed it twice by myself and got 7 red badges the first time and 9 red badges the second time.
  • nevyn25nevyn25
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,135
    Posts: 667
    the location for taillteann may be incorrect, unless they can spawn in various locations close to the trading post?

    anyway, this is the location I encountered the red bandits
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited February 3, 2017
    nevyn25 wrote: »
    the location for taillteann may be incorrect, unless they can spawn in various locations close to the trading post?

    anyway, this is the location I encountered the red bandits

    They can spawn in both places. I saw spawns on both places and each channel had spawn locations slightly different.

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