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Make my Great Mallet Great Again. Mallet.
So chaos was churning this night, and something was created that totally shuddent have been.
The Conqueror Crocodile Great Mallet was born! Enchants so Powerful. It exceeds the weapons base damage. Truly a work of art.
However. The conqueror lying dormant in this weapon is being oppressed! He is forbidden from special upgrades by some malevolent force!
Anyway we can fix this? Nudge Nudge, Wink wink
If for whatever reason you can't Special Upgrade the Great Mallet, I would like to see that be changed since that would basically destroy the viability of a Great Mallet in terms of upgrades. And I like my Great Mallet.
i want this changed too. quite a bit. my item is already ready to go afterall. the enchants exsist on a 4% chance so far. seriously, one attempt and i made this somehow.