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Why girls clothings are more pricy than boys ones?
Other than that...I'm a simple man. A beginner skirt is more than enuf 2 me. o3o
It's just the game economy you can't force people to lower prices.
Off topic but you have the same name as me!
Also you can technically force people to lower prices but its unrealistic with things like gacha items unless a whale really invests deeply into it AND is kind enough to sell them at objectively fair prices. Flood a market with enough supply and the value goes down.
Actually you can't *force* anyone to price their items. Even if there are duplicates on the market listed at 500k you can still list it at 5m if you wanted to. It doesn't mean they will sell, but a seller has every right to list their property at their own value.
'Fairness' is mostly subjective when it comes to market imo. No one is forcing anyone to pay big money for an item. If there is only one item on the market and you've been looking for days, then maybe it is true to value. Haggling is surely an option as well, you will probably have more competition if you choose to make an offer. At the end of it all, the seller is the one in position to accept or decline an offer. Just as the buyer can just choose not to buy it.
But you are correct; if the supply increases, then there is more of that item available on the market. Unless the item is consumable (like enchants), the price will probably decrease until there is a stable/set market value for that item.
I'm a male flight attendant in real life. That part triggers me as I've worked with amazing female pilots and amazing male flight attendants, yet this game doesn't have uniform for those people...
Don't get me wrong, I like frills and lace for guys (big fan of the aristocratic vampire look myself). And I think my thought process just derailed ><
Anyhoo, I personally find it extremely frustrating that all the female outfits are so crazily more expensive than the male versions (still w8in' for ya'll to make an Eluned version of the male Brilluien wear) but ofc bcuz it'll be a female outfit it'll be tons more expensive.
Extra note: Why are all the recent new female outfits so stupidly skimpy or have excessive cleavage exposure?
Actually, I always thought THIS was the reason female clothes were more pricey. Sometimes, the asking price does seem to go up in proportion to the amount of skin showing. And I disagree with this being a new phenomenon; female clothing has been short skirts for quite a while now.
Females want fashion and are more likely to buy it.
Lets have
Male character puts on a female wig and clothing set.
Female character puts on male wig and clothing set.
Sounds legit.
I ain't sayin' it a new trend, just that it's more prevalent than before. For example: Beach Party outfit, Frostblossom, Cupid Archeress, the new gacha outfit JP just got, they all have the same chest exposure -.-'
females get nice looking outfits, we get modified outfits less cool outfits.
Males get a good outfit, it becomes eluned for females and we get a random female outfit with a skirt.