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Help! with new Halloween event

Mabinogi Rep: 3,990
Posts: 419
edited October 11, 2018 in General Chat
im slow, dense and basically stupid
i dont know what to do next

so im done doing "Aislin's dream" quest and helping her for that day, do i wait for next day for the next quest in story line?
I got some "onyx" and some "wanderers amulet" and supposedly the "onyx" is used for enchanting "wanderers amulet"
the question is how do i do that?
am I the only one asking this question? or am i the only one stupid enough to ask?



  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    edited October 11, 2018
    People will have full answers by tomorrow once they've gotten the hang of it on day 1. There's some discussion over at the event announcement thread.

    Missing link is Halloween trick?
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Just drag the Onyx on top of the amulet, like enchanting pages to a skill book.
  • noobodyzxznoobodyzxz
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,990
    Posts: 419
    edited October 11, 2018
    oh yeah i guess im just too excited after not having new event for a while
    Just drag the Onyx on top of the amulet, like enchanting pages to a skill book.
    oh cool it worked tho it seems to be counting failed enchants too
    so in the end this "wanders amulet" is like a custom totem with effects stackable to other totems with same effects

    those people that threw away and dropped the regular gem powders and fine gem powders
    they got from last fishing event probably feel bad about those
    i was holding on to it for fattening my spirit weapon but i thinks she would be fine with all the gems i got on the last day
  • DraechDraech
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,390
    Posts: 355
    edited October 12, 2018
    Since the event page is unclear, I'll try to reformulate based on my experience.

    To start participating in the event, Milletians must register a main character with Aislin in Festia (located next to Lorraine's Nightmare). Doing so will do the following:
    - You will receive a certain number of Onyx, a few Halloween Pumpkin Stickers, and a Handwritten Note detailing the login/AFK portion of the event.
    - The storyline for this event will begin. Aislin's story (up to her rewarding you with a Wanderer's Amulet) is the only part available for now.
    Bran, Locke and Carrie's storylines will be unlocked after the maintenance on Oct 18, Oct 25 and Nov 1, respectively (I think).

    During Aislin's questline, and also after her daily quest for used bandages, you will receive Black Shards that, upon use, will transport you to a RP mission in the Tir Chonnail Graveyard.
    Time Limit – 5:00
    Enemies – Zombies (Nigh Invincible), Mimics (very weak)
    Objective – None that matters. You will have to select tombstones, for a chance at obtaining a used bandage or spawning one of the previous enemies. The zombies should be avoided, but mimics should be killed, and drop either Onyx, Fine Onyx or a Wanderer's Amulet, sometimes accompanied by gold. Once all the tombstones have been cleared, you can forfeit. There is no way (I know of) to complete the RP quest successfully.

    Once you've cleared Aislin's portion of the story, you will unlock her shop. Bran and Locke also have a shop that can be unlocked, though it is as of yet unknown if their shops will contain the same items as Aislin's or will feature different items.
    Carrie's shop seems already available, featuring the same items as Aislin's, plus an extra tab for event-related quest items (used bandage, witch's soup and some wine, I believe). This, however, contradicts the Announcement page.

    As for the Wanderer's Amulet, here's a general overview of how they function.
    You can obtain them from the event storyline, from the event shops, or as drops from mimics in the Tir Chonnail Graveyard RP mission.
    Every Amulet can receive attempted enhancements 25 times and special enhancements 3 times.
    For regular enhancements, simply drag any number of onyx, regular gem powder or fine gem powder over the amulet and left-click. One unit will be consumed, and you have a certain chance for the enhancement to succeed (granting +2 in one stat), to greatly succeed (granting +4 in one stat), or to fail. Every attempt (even failures) count towards the 25-attempts limit.
    For special enhancements, simply drag any number of fine onyx over the amulet and left-click. One unit will be consumed, and you will receive a special effect added to your amulet (including min damage, max damage, and alchemical damage bonuses). I am unsure whether or not one may fail the special enhancements.

    The event also features a login/AFK portion, where, for every 10 consecutive minutes of being online, your main character will receive 2 Halloween Pumpkin Stickers, up to a maximum of 15 time per day (i.e. 2H30min, 30 Halloween Pumpkin Stickers total). These can be exchanged at the event NPC shops for a variety of items, including Wanderer's Amulets and their upgrade components, and Halloween Gift Boxes (with secret drop pools, apparently).

    Edit: Added spoiler tags to the mission, for convenience.
    Edit 2: Updated NPC shops info and changed [(daily?)] to [daily]. And bolded and underlined the part that says storylines are unlocked weekly.
  • BanazaiSabreBanazaiSabre
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,955
    Posts: 109
    you say invincible, but my freinds screenshot says otherwise

    if theres ever been a time to buy a venom sword, it is now, for whatever pointless reason
  • BronzebreakBronzebreak
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,940
    Posts: 489
    you say invincible, but my freinds screenshot says otherwise

    if theres ever been a time to buy a venom sword, it is now, for whatever pointless reason

    But do dey got da loot?
  • lucifernlucifern
    Mabinogi Rep: 700
    Posts: 21
    i use summon a golem to distract the zombies while happily digging graves. hydra also works on them but not drops
  • BronzebreakBronzebreak
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,940
    Posts: 489
    edited October 12, 2018
    you say invincible, but my freinds screenshot says otherwise

    if theres ever been a time to buy a venom sword, it is now, for whatever pointless reason

    But do dey got da loot?

    NVM I figured out why I'd be interested in killing them lol...

    @Draech BTW, Rain Cast, Lullaby, Sand Burst, Wind Blast, and Frozen Blast do not work, but as per @lucifern, golem works, shock will temporarily stun them, but more importantly will cause aggro to be transferred to golem. Elemental Wave golem can use taunt and get all their attention, but they'll still aggro you for some reason. Barrier spikes work, though the mummies deal only 1s to hit and it reflects only 0s. HOWEVER, if a zombie hits a BS once, they will aggro to it. Hydra works but deals low damage as @lucifern also mentioned. Skills that reduce knockdown like Berserk are fantastic, and mimics outrun zombies so worst case scenario, you can train them away. Carrie and Bran have identical shops to Ailin. Additionally, @noobodyzxz there doesn't seem to be any benefit to using the powders so I'd rather just level my Spirit Weapon.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    The mission with the mummy servants, I either use Demigod Transformation and use Wings of Eclipse or I just pop Nascent Divinity.
    The mummies do 1 damage to me either way, so it's handy to use to get things done quickly and without getting hitstunned and knocked around.
    Just have to be quick about it so you can get through your daily allotment of the Black Shards before you run into the cooldowns.

    Also something weird is that my Water Cannon actually seems to do damage to the servants.
    Not a lot of damage, but it's like 600 for 5 charges, instead of 1 like a lot of other things.
  • LouisdesnowLouisdesnow
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,060
    Posts: 24
    Haven't seen anyone mention using Dance of Death yet. You can pretty much cheese the whole mission by loading up the skill and quickly clicking on all the tombstones, finishing within 2 minutes max.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    I was starting it late last night, so I'm a little off, but what is the pendant that Aislin gave that goes to special inventory for?
    And what do I do next after completing her story? Wait for the next quest?
  • Raincloud95Raincloud95
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,830
    Posts: 183
    edited October 12, 2018
    For some reason they didn't feel the need to explain how to do the Halloween events at all. People have figured it out for the most part I think, but I still have some questions.

    Do we need to wait until the 18th to do Bran's quest for the How to Break a Curse quest? I don't even know where he is cus the quest points to Carrie. Are the pumpkins only really good for buying the Halloween Gift Box? Is Aislin's quest not repeatable? So like, there's literally nothing to do until the 18th? Do you get fine onyx from fragmenting random crap? Do I even care about toems? (I don't, really)

    Edit: my bad Bran is the nerd with the net behind Tir bank
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    I feel like for all events, they've left out some stuff to have us figure it out.
    Which sometimes is a good thing.
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,285
    Posts: 131
    I've noticed that you can use Transformation Mastery to skip the digging animation when interacting with the graves, letting you open multiple graves at once without having to sit through an animation each time. This might depend on the transformation used, though; I know that Master Lich works and the increased movement speed helps with kiting the zombies.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Boy those zombies are so annoying. Well it says they're mummies actually. They are fast and have a long reach that is even faster than crisis escape sometimes. A good strategy to get rid of them is to lure them behind some of the broken walls and have them get stuck there.
  • TamboonTamboon
    Mabinogi Rep: 565
    Posts: 10

    Do we need to wait until the 18th to do Bran's quest for the How to Break a Curse quest?
    I think it is like that. Would nice if we got confirmation on it though.

  • aeternitisaeternitis
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,045
    Posts: 142
    IAAW wrote: »
    I've noticed that you can use Transformation Mastery to skip the digging animation when interacting with the graves, letting you open multiple graves at once without having to sit through an animation each time. This might depend on the transformation used, though; I know that Master Lich works and the increased movement speed helps with kiting the zombies.

    This is very helpful. Thanks! A meek fox works very well.
  • noobodyzxznoobodyzxz
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,990
    Posts: 419
    For some reason they didn't feel the need to explain how to do the Halloween events at all.
    People have figured it out for the most part I think, but I still have some questions.

    Do we need to wait until the 18th to do Bran's quest for the How to Break a Curse quest?
    I don't even know where he is cus the quest points to Carrie.

    Are the pumpkins only really good for buying the Halloween Gift Box?
    Is Aislin's quest not repeatable? So like, there's literally nothing to do until the 18th?
    Do you get fine onyx from fragmenting random crap?
    Do I even care about toems? (I don't, really)

    Edit: my bad Bran is the nerd with the net behind Tir bank

    Are the pumpkins only really good for buying the Halloween Gift Box?:
    I think it was mentioned that each npc from the event have different items inside their shops
    so as we do the storyline quest for them we get to unlock their shop

    Is Aislin's quest not repeatable?:
    the storyline yes u cant repeat it but after completing story line u get the daily event quest
    it resets every 7:00am PST (do not be confused with attendance event reseting at midnight PST they are 2 different events)
    u will receive 3 black pendant shard everyday (or maybe its 5) and the quest for that day if u didnt get it try changing channels
    use black pendant shard to go to graveyard rp mission and gather used bandages from graves
    deliver them to Aislin, talk to her and from the selections choose "help Aislin" (or maybe im wrong)
    once u delivered the bandages to her complete quest from quest window

    Do you get fine onyx from fragmenting random crap?:
    No u dont have to by doing the grave yard RP mission
    and kill mimics u can get "wanderers amulet", "onyx" and "fine onyx" sometimes accompanied by gold and food
    u can also use pumpkin stickers at Aislin's shop to buy "onyx" and "fine onyx"

    im thinking that u might not be one of those most people that already figured it out (but maybe im wrong and ur just trolling me)
    (im actually stupid enough to actually fall for answering stupid questions and things answerable with common knowledge)
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    The only bad questions are questions that are unasked.
  • JiantoJianto
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,305
    Posts: 25
    Draech wrote: »
    Since the event page is unclear, I'll try to reformulate based on my experience.

    To start participating in the event, Milletians must register a main character with Aislin in Festia (located next to Lorraine's Nightmare). Doing so will do the following:
    - You will receive a certain number of Onyx, a few Halloween Pumpkin Stickers, and a Handwritten Note detailing the login/AFK portion of the event.
    - The storyline for this event will begin. Aislin's story (up to her rewarding you with a Wanderer's Amulet) is the only part available for now.
    Bran, Locke and Carrie's storylines will be unlocked after the maintenance on Oct 18, Oct 25 and Nov 1, respectively (I think).

    During Aislin's questline, and also after her (daily?) quest for used bandages, you will receive Black Shards that, upon use, will transport you to a RP mission in the Tir Chonnail Graveyard.
    Time Limit – 5:00
    Enemies – Zombies (Nigh Invincible), Mimics (very weak)
    Objective – None that matters. You will have to select tombstones, for a chance at obtaining a used bandage or spawning one of the previous enemies. The zombies should be avoided, but mimics should be killed, and drop either Onyx, Fine Onyx or a Wanderer's Amulet, sometimes accompanied by gold. Once all the tombstones have been cleared, you can forfeit. There is no way (I know of) to complete the RP quest successfully.

    Once you've cleared Aislin's portion of the story, you will unlock her shop. Bran, Locke and Carrie also have a shop that can be unlocked, though it is as of yet unknown if their shops will contain the same items as Aislin's or will feature different items.

    As for the Wanderer's Amulet, here's a general overview of how they function.
    You can obtain them from the event storyline, from the event shops, or as drops from mimics in the Tir Chonnail Graveyard RP mission.
    Every Amulet can receive attempted enhancements 25 times and special enhancements 3 times.
    For regular enhancements, simply drag any number of onyx, regular gem powder or fine gem powder over the amulet and left-click. One unit will be consumed, and you have a certain chance for the enhancement to succeed (granting +2 in one stat), to greatly succeed (granting +4 in one stat), or to fail. Every attempt (even failures) count towards the 25-attempts limit.
    For special enhancements, simply drag any number of fine onyx over the amulet and left-click. One unit will be consumed, and you will receive a special effect added to your amulet (including min damage, max damage, and alchemical damage bonuses). I am unsure whether or not one may fail the special enhancements.

    The event also features a login/AFK portion, where, for every 10 consecutive minutes of being online, your main character will receive 2 Halloween Pumpkin Stickers, up to a maximum of 15 time per day (i.e. 2H30min, 30 Halloween Pumpkin Stickers total). These can be exchanged at the event NPC shops for a variety of items, including Wanderer's Amulets and their upgrade components, and Halloween Gift Boxes (with secret drop pools, apparently).

    Edit: Added spoiler tags to the mission, for convenience.

    How do you know all this? Cheers this was the missing information I was looking for.