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2010 halloween gacha! (not really)

Mabinogi Rep: 1,590
Posts: 146
edited October 22, 2018 in Item/Premium Shop
What happens if you buy a summoning Monster Summoning Loot-o'-Lantern

from the year 1000 (yes not possible but being ridiculous right now)

And decide not to open it 10 100 1000 10000000 years later if the game still exist. Does it still spawn monsters? Do you still get the gacha? What happens if I buy this year gacha and decide not to open it years later?


  • ShoogShoog
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,535
    Posts: 883
    Does it still spawn monsters?
    Do you still get the gacha?
    Yes. It will just remain in limbo in your cash shop inventory in game until you retrieve it.
    What happens if I buy this year gacha and decide not to open it years later?
    It should remain the same as the day you purchased it. Just make sure you pay attention as to what items you get, just in case there are any issues at all. I only recalling hearing about an issue happening with a past gacha once many years ago where the player hoarded the gacha and didn't open it until months or yrs later and then wasn't getting the proper items from it. They filed a ticket, Nexon fixed the issue with that particular gacha, and then gave the player replacement gacha.
