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Dan Cooking ranks with improved UI
You are finally better than a Master Chef! You now have the following stat increases(optional, add new types of food for each rank)
Dan 1 cooking gets option to use sliders instead of random speed fill bar, +10% cooked food final stat increases
Dan 2 cooking adds a digital number display of the current % of each ingredient shown directly underneath them in the UI, +30%
Dan 3 cooking gets the option to add a specified percent of each ingredient instead of using sliders or super frustrating random speed fill bar, +50% cooked food final stat increases
Example of how the added % cooked food final stat increases would work:
at dan 3, you get +50%, so if a dish normally gives the following stats:
Str +50
Prot +2
it would give these stats if made at dan 3:
Str +75
Prot +3