Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Neat we can see the droprates now.


  • pawcalypsepawcalypse
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,705
    Posts: 498
    GTCvActium wrote: »
    ...This is why I usually space out my gacha opening, if I get a bad bout, I just wait a bit, if I get a string of amazing successes, I just press on.

    I do the same for dyeing and I also have my own methods for success/fail. I tend to get red/black/white as my fails - inb4 dyeing percentages.
  • PolicromaPolicroma
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,730
    Posts: 564
    edited December 11, 2018
    pawcalypse wrote: »
    I remember complaining/making a theory that the gacha prizes changed rates after a few hours and after a few days of its entire run in the shop. A GM actually had to clarify it wasn't like that at all. Yet I still have that gut feeling it is like that, regardless if the current percentages are shown.
    RNG = random nuisance got'cha

    The way it's done in many games involves ensuring a very low but guaranteed drop rate for any sort of "jackpot" items. Examples would be that y "jackpot" items drop per x number of total gachas opened per server, or y "jackpot" items drop per day/week/month that the gacha runs.

    So let's say that guaranteed hard number is set to 1/1000. You open the second box in that thousand, and get that fancy new outfit. It means that 997 more gachas have to be opened before another one drops for anyone else. This is a rough example admittedly.

    This guarantees that a popular gacha will drop the desired item the more people open them, making it obtainable by buying off other players. Unfortunately it also means that if the mid-range stuff isn't good, people won't buy at all, and it'll be much harder to get what you want. This also means you're most likely to get those jackpot items if you buy the gacha right away. What it does *not* mean is that the odds "change" in any way. It just means that the odds of getting one of those featured items is based on a different scale than the "trash" items.

    Generally I buy each gacha at least once. If the mid-range items are good, I will almost always indulge again at a later point. If they aren't, I stop. I will then stash these items for later and sell when they're in higher demand. (Though some items will always pull a decent price.) I never base gacha winnings off the "jackpot", even if I do get one. This gives me a different view of what makes a gacha "good" than most. (For example, I love the beauty boxes.) Never buy gachas expecting a jackpot. Also, I felt the camping gacha was downright amazing, as the homestead decorations and "chairs" that were featured were downright numerous, and few if any probably cared that much about the outfits.
  • VeylaineVeylaine
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,050
    Posts: 348
    edited December 11, 2018
    Policroma wrote: »

    Generally I buy each gacha at least once. If the mid-range items are good, I will almost always indulge again at a later point. If they aren't, I stop. I will then stash these items for later and sell when they're in higher demand. (Though some items will always pull a decent price.) I never base gacha winnings off the "jackpot", even if I do get one. This gives me a different view of what makes a gacha "good" than most. (For example, I love the beauty boxes.) Never buy gachas expecting a jackpot. Also, I felt the camping gacha was downright amazing, as the homestead decorations and "chairs" that were featured were downright numerous, and few if any probably cared that much about the outfits.

    Exactly don't buy gachas for probably just one of the rarest items in said gacha unless you really do feel like dropping tons of money into it( though its very much a recommendation rather than something you must do especailly if you don't want to spend as much as whales but still want to try gachas) . I am somewhat the same way if the other prizes are good , like if I can use them a lot or sell I'd buy more also if the consolations prizes are good then I usually buy a good amount too; ie potent shadow crystals or golden fruit.
  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    Veylaine wrote: »
    Policroma wrote: »

    Generally I buy each gacha at least once. If the mid-range items are good, I will almost always indulge again at a later point. If they aren't, I stop. I will then stash these items for later and sell when they're in higher demand. (Though some items will always pull a decent price.) I never base gacha winnings off the "jackpot", even if I do get one. This gives me a different view of what makes a gacha "good" than most. (For example, I love the beauty boxes.) Never buy gachas expecting a jackpot. Also, I felt the camping gacha was downright amazing, as the homestead decorations and "chairs" that were featured were downright numerous, and few if any probably cared that much about the outfits.

    Exactly don't buy gachas for probably just one of the rarest items in said gacha unless you really do feel like dropping tons of money into it( though its very much a recommendation rather than something you must do especailly if you don't want to spend as much as whales but still want to try gachas) . I am somewhat the same way if the other prizes are good , like if I can use them a lot or sell I'd buy more also if the consolations prizes are good then I usually buy a good amount too; ie potent shadow crystals or golden fruit.

    Good secondary items

    Mono dye packs
    Plat/crystal/gold/prof hammers
    Sm crystals
    Prism boxes
    Dye amp sets
    Gold boxes

    Bad/Don't open
    Elite passes
    Single dye amps
    potions (Movespeed, etc)
    upgrade coupons
    bounty hunter cards
