So, once you finish the first two Memoir books during Blaanid's questline, you get access to the 3rd Book, which is a repeatable stamp-card collection thing, where once you collect 15 stamps, you get Blaanid's Flower Box.
Wonder what the best quests to do are? Some seem really difficult, and some seem reeeeally tedious.
I've done only a few all the way through, so I'm not sure which is the best or easiest OR the fastest to do.
Not gonna really count the "limited per day" ones as those obviously can't be the fastest! But hey, go get in a Great Mood at Festia and get a 5 Combo in Freestyle Jam. Free stamps!
One thing to note is each "tiered" quest, that is a quest that gets harder the more you complete it, seems to have 5 steps of increasing difficulty before it wraps around back to the first version of the quest. (i.e. the Ducat quest goes back to the 5k quest after you finish the 20k one)
Get in a Great Mood at Festia:
Once per day. Oops... Free 1 stamp at least. Go do it, why not.
Complete Daily Shadow Missions:
Limited per day. 2 without VIP, 4 with VIP since the VIP daily counts for this.
First quest calls for 1 completion, giving 1 stamp. Next asks you to do 2 dailies, still giving 1 stamp. Probably goes up like that, 3, 4, 5, before wrapping back around to 1 again.
If ya do your daily SMs, you'll get stamps.
First tier asks to rebirth one. Probably goes up by 1 each time, I'd guess.
Unless you've finished the first two books and are still below level 5k, you'll be waiting 6 days per rebirth, barring any RB potions of course. Most people rebirth, so most will get stamps from this over time.
Share Food:
This one's bad. It seems to count each person who ACTUALLY EATS the food you share. So unless you have a group of people to eat and share with who don't mind getting fat, this is gonna be hard. And you have to share SO much, too. Started at 50 shares, then 100, and now 150 before me and my friend got tired of it. Like I said, probably goes fast if you have a large group of people, but PASS.
Get a Freestyle Combo of 5 or higher:
Once per real day. One free stamp. Might as well do it.
Undergo Battle Transformations:
This one's slow, but if you use transformations you'll get this automatically over time. For Nascent, it only counts actual combat transformations, so you have to enter cooldown.
And no, you can't cheese this as a DK/Pally by going into Rabbie Arena and spamming transformation over and over. Too bad. Easy, but not fast.
Harvest Homestead Crops:
Slow. Needs a lot of seeds. Quest calls for 10/20/30/40/50 harvests. PASS, but if you need the homestead Kons anyways, and have the stones to spare on crops, go for it.
Use Palalan Embrace:
Limited use per day. First tier calls for 1 use, second calls for 2, probably continues like that. Just pop this skill whenever and it's basically free stamps slowly over time.
Complete PTJs:
Slow. Even though you can do multiple PTJs per in-game day, if they're different types, this quest calls for 3/5/7/9/11 PTJs. Easy, but not fast, and there are better ways to use your time, probably. Hey, HW sellers will probably complete this automatically over time.
Upgrade an item:
This seems... eh. You could just go for maximum volume of upgrades to get it done by doing cheap upgrades on worthless items, like the 1 Prof +1 balance upgrade on a gathering knife and just keep doing that until you complete the quests, but it seems very tedious. Quest calls for 10/20/30/40/50 upgrades. Quest for 10 gives 1 stamp, and 20+ gives 2 stamps.
Still doesn't seem that worth the effort. But it's very easy and cheap at least.
Complete a baltane special unit mission:
Slow. This calls for your SQUIRES to finish missions. 36 minute missions are as fast as they get, so this is slow. Easy, and if you tend to your squires you'll get this done automatically, but it's not fast.
Complete Elite Shadow Missions:
This requires passes, but if you run Elite missions with your friends, you can get this done automatically. Speed depends on the missions you run, and pass availability of course.
Help some via the quest help board:
Ranges from unpredictable to stageable. You can technically have a friend just constantly put up an easy repeatable quest on the board, but this seems wrong. Other than that, this is unpredictable. You only get credit if the person completes the quest and closes the request as a successful completion. Pass, unless you cheat the system.
Complete Fomor Scroll Collection Quests:
Slow, of course, but it can be any Fomor Scroll quest, so collect them all! I wouldn't go out of my way to spam this mission, though.
Discover a Relic/Ruin:
Calls for exploring with an L-rod and uncover 20/40/60/80/100 ruins/relics. 20/40/60 quests give 1 stamp each, 80/100 quests give 2 stamps each. Unless you're the only person over at that one spot in Connous, this is gonna be slow and boring. If you Demigod it can be easier, but Demigod wouldn't last long enough to complete the whole thing in one cycle.
Earn Ducats:
Calls for earning a PROFIT of 5k/10k/13k/15k/20k ducats. All tiers give 1 stamp each. If you want to complete multiple quests in a single haul of goods, load off just what you need to complete the current tier of quest. Loading off 25k of goods when you only needed 5k ducats won't spill the exess over to complete the 10k quest, it'll just waste it. If you have the discount-enchanted accessories, this can be a good way to get stamps. If you like commercing, at least.
Complete Baltane Missions:
Probably slow. Only missions that count are Avalon Bridge, Counterattack, and Siege Weapon, so Knights of the Round, Gatekeeper, and Nowhere to Run don't count.
Need to complete multiple missions per tier, starts at 5. This takes time, and it's probably a lot of effort. Also even if you clear quickly, you're limited to 1 entry per Erinn-day if you're not using Elite passes. But if you do these missions, you'll get this done eventually.
Pass an Advancement Test:
UGHHHH NO. Limited heavily per day, unless you're doing Combat AND life dans. No thanks. But if you're doing these tests, it'll get done eventually.
If you're all done with dans, just repeat whatever tests are easiest for you, if you still wanna do this quest.
Complete Sidhe Finnachaid:
Time-consuming. But of course it is, it's Sidhe. First tier asks for 5 clears for 2 stamps. Any difficulty counts, but it'll only go up each tier from there.
If you're spamming Sidhe, you'll get this done anyways. I wouldn't spam it for stamps, but then again I don't like spamming it for Echostone progression either.
Complete Erinn Martial Arts Final Match:
I understand people can clear this really quickly, even solo if they're that strong. First tier asks for 5 clears and gives 1 sticker. Eh.
If you still spam this for EXP or something, go nuts.
Complete Avalon Purification:
First tier starts with 5 clears, giving 2 stamps. Just like everything else, it'll go up from there. This can be cleared fast in a good party, but you'll definitely want a party to do this for stamps. Probably get this done without realizing it if you're that busy spamming for Erg stuff in purification.
Complete any Non-Solo Apostle Raid, any Difficulty:
No solo. Usually time-gated as to when runs are happening. Need a decent group of folks. Probably can't spam this, even if it's not limited per day. First tier starts at 5 clears and gives 2 stamps.
Clear Alban Knights Training Ground:
Oh wait, this is limited per day. 3 entries per day. First tier calls for 1 clear, giving 2 stamps. If you do this every day, you'll get some stamps over time, but that daily limit kills it.
Toooo baaaaaad.
Complete Kitchen Dungeon:
Nah. Just nah. Waiting on food to finish cooking. Not fun. Not fast. If you need the delivery lists for your Cookbooks, hey, free stamps. But I can't recommend doing this just for stamps. First tier starts at 2 completions and gives 1 stamp.
That's basically everything.
If I had to pick my favorite, it'd be the ducat profit ones, with discount accessories. Managed to complete 2 stamp cards and gotten 2 Flower Boxes so far.
One gave me a 10cm Ruby and the other a 10cm Aquamarine. :I Love RNG.
Anyone else got some insight? What's your favorite? What do you think is the easiest or the fastest one to complete to get you the most Flower Boxes?
Yeah, probably.
Good thing a lot of these quests are things that come naturally as you play, like doing Daily SMs and transforming.
Now I've opened three boxes, and the third prize I've gotten iiiiiiiiiiis...
A 10cm Emerald.
These boxes are dorks.
Oh, nope.
On the teaser site it says what they give, but it's 100k Exp and 20k Gold, along with the Flower Box.
Ah, that’s good to know! I will have to pass on the third book then.
Hellkaizer is right, this is something you complete casually through normal day to day play. I do like the fact they have included baltane elite passes in these boxes. That can draw some attention away from guardian guilds. Thank god.
After completing the Second Memoir...
This article has most of everything you need in the JP/TW server, I think they got a different event too; Google translate it.
Just the two first books. The third is just a renewable source for the blaanid flower boxes.
Update: Nevermind, never going to bother with this update again. FREAKING waste of time!
I would be HAPPY if the common drop was passes. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FREAKING MORE GEMS?! AND the skill seals are not bank transferable? Screw this update.
Alright give me G22 already. I'm already ready. Yap.
And GEMS!? How about giving us something we WOULD use maybe potions? Passes? Secret Tara passes????? Guardian soul stones??????? Exp combat potions???????????? How about Full recovery potions??????????????? AND PLS! Don't make it expire withint 24 hours to 7 days....i like to have my rewards to have more value to me not have it just take up space for me to throw it away. As for the gems what other use to they have other than Gem upgrades and near worthless spirit weapons?
We are still waiting on a rework of Spirit weapons here NEXON throwing gems down our throats is egging me on to keep pestering for that damned rework!
Experience curve please.
Plus the #Reqs for the Quests only continue to increase. So Rest in peace every player's hopes of getting a decent material from this content.
I mean seriously, they could of at least made the passes have a more common drop rate and make the materials have rare drop rates. That would be reasonable! It does take a while to get these stamps, the least they could do for my effort is ONE freaking elite pass.
I mentioned this is my post but the quests don't continue to increase forever.
They increase 4 times, so there's like 5 versions of those kinds of quests.
Like the commerce one asks for 5,000 profit, then 10,000, then 13,000, then 15,000, then 20,000.
Complete the 20,000 and it loops back to the first quest, for 5,000.
All the other quests that do this, are like that.
Usually as they get harder they're worth 1 or 2 more stickers, but not always. (Like, the commerce one is only ever 1 sticker per quest)
10~12 stickers per lovely potion runs!
I knew my 6x10 pet and a bank tab full of seeds plus 17k homestead stones would be useful one day o3o
It sure is a lot of gems though. A LOT of gems. I think I've seen 3 things that weren't gems, 2 AP 30 pots and I think a sulfur spider pass?
It is clearly designed to be something where you get a flower box that maybe gives you something good for existing day to day like you always have. I don't think spamming multiple boxes a day (Or hour) was really the intention.
Reasons why black/white dragon is dead content now. No one wants to take the time or effort to get actual trash for the 1/800 for a bd heart when the other 799 times you do it you get ingots or common leather straps. Or even hp pots. Huntress used to be around 40-50m it's almost stable at 75-90 right now because no one bothers doing bd
Well yeah every time I bother to black dragon is when my guild insists that we do...but I feel like it is such a waste of time and attention because all I ever get is junk. But hey if it's Mokku I'm all over that because the rare drops are better.