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Reforging, Dual guns and Shurikens.

Mabinogi Rep: 1,420
Posts: 18
edited December 30, 2018 in General Chat
Comment was edited for the following reason: Inappropriate video title and language in video.

Recently went through a whole ordeal with support staff via tickets about a feature that I personally thought was not working correctly.
After reforging through several pieces of gear, I noticed a trend with shurikens and dual guns. I'm unsure if everyone experiences the same issue, or if it's just the handful of people I've asked. I've noticed that when reforging my dowra's or throwing star that my lines seem almost restricted from exceeding a roll of 12.
A lot of people just tell me that it's RNG and that i'm unlucky. I don't want to believe that after 100 reforges including several that have rewarded me with a "cut-scene" are still limited to rolling numbers lower than 10.
If any of you reading have ever reforged gear on your own, you've probably experienced using fine reforges without getting this cut-scene that still award you with a fairly high roll.
IE: rolling 20's or 18's, just any number that's considered high. Even without receiving the cut-scene event.
I'm rolling numbers between 1-6 on regular fine reforge rolls, and when I receive a cut-scene i'm lucky to receive a number beyond 10.
Nexon support staff has deemed this to be entirely RNG. Though I have spoken to several players who have also experienced the same thing.
I know it's possible to receive high rolls on these items, as I have seen players with such reforge rolls.
I'm just not understanding how after hundreds of reforges I've not managed to get a single line over the effect level of 12.

Included is a video of my average experience with reforging guns and shurikens. Maybe it is RNG? But I'm still kind of reluctant to believe that a cut-scene reforge which is supposed to reward us with "high level reforge lines" is rewarding me with lines of 9???
Please keep in mind that this is not the only time i've reforged the item, I went out of the way to purchase these reforges just so I could take a video for the ticket I had submitted.
I would say over 250 fine reforges, and around 15 Refined Reforge + were already used on this specific throwing star.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? I read one post on Reddit where somebody had a similar experience.

  1. Have you experienced this?3 votes
    1. Yes.
       67% (2 votes)
    2. Yes again. (^:
       33% (1 vote)


  • FlurFlur
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,420
    Posts: 18
    Please ignore the audio for the video, my guilds discord was not muted. I didn't know that the video capture would capture all the audio from discord. :l
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    This is why I dropped the idea of using reforges at all.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    It's like abysmal rng within abysmal rng. It's possible, but you will end up spending a lot to get what you want. Constant theme of this game. :)
  • FinityFinity
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,100
    Posts: 182
    It's not you, or your luck, it's just made that way. Dual guns, shurikens and chain blades have two types of rolls- one only goes up to lv 12, and the other goes up to lv20. That's how you sometimes see those weapons have two of the same rolls but different level. The one that goes up to lv20 is rarer than ~lv12 ones. It shows you that swirl cutscene despite low rolls because those rolls are maximum lv12. Those weapons are horrible to reforge imo....wasted 35 reforges to go from lv9 chain blade max to lv9 chain blade max.
  • FlurFlur
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,420
    Posts: 18
    edited December 30, 2018
    I was unaware of this feature, as i'm sure the rep that I spoke to through tickets was as well. If he had informed me of this information I would have accepted it right from the start. Thank you for your reply!
    Finity wrote: »
    It's not you, or your luck, it's just made that way. Dual guns, shurikens and chain blades have two types of rolls- one only goes up to lv 12, and the other goes up to lv20. That's how you sometimes see those weapons have two of the same rolls but different level. The one that goes up to lv20 is rarer than ~lv12 ones. It shows you that swirl cutscene despite low rolls because those rolls are maximum lv12. Those weapons are horrible to reforge imo....wasted 35 reforges to go from lv9 chain blade max to lv9 chain blade max.

  • ShouKShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    It’s just RNG. Just like how I only used one commerce reforge to get final hit duration 20 on my magus crest outfit, yet it took 200+ reforges to get fh 19 on my cursed langu...