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Is there any info on G23. I keep hearing rumors on the alchemist once G23 come in.
New weapons for alchemy, puppetry, and fighters talent are also available.
Not just high numbers, but various new effects and various set effects for each talent
It will make you a more versatile alchemist, a more colorful puppeteer, and a more powerful fighter.
The Concept Art for new Alch Weapon
These weapons, along with updated Teh Duin missions on the G22,
It can be produced through the newly released - Monster of the Waking Deep Sea - Mission.
I hope to enjoy the breathtaking battle with the legendary sea monster and be reborn as a more powerful militia.
You will also get new techniques through this G23 mainstream.
These techniques, which have already been revealed through public test servers,
These techniques will enhance influence of supporters, you will be able to act as commander of battlefield.
Techniques demonstrated are more technical then shown in the videos
Dont have info on new cylinder, But Alchemy right now is strong. just need Erg 50 -b if the new cylinder is stronger than Tetra it'll be pretty hype.
"just" need Erg 50
Get outta here with that!
not sure if is sarcasm or ......
is like saying Archery is not weak is S-T-R-O-N-G just need have full rank1 Reforges set + Bafer set
*Go back to chains blade*