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PSA: Be careful fishing overnight or AFK
This morning I woke up and I had stopped fishing with a warning message on my screen about clearing my temporary inventory. Not only did getting my Anniversary coin stop my fishing, but it then dropped on the floor and wasted away to its death. No coin for me!
AFK fishing for a long time or overnight can be dangerous with timed giveaways, and we have an attendance event coming up in a couple days. KEEP THIS IN MIND! and be careful!

Don't make my mistake

yep ^^
Wait...I think that says "Market". Wow a shop bag that takes up only 2 spaces? :O
....I didn't even notice that typo :< ...... shh
Don't want those fishies squirming out the passenger seat.
The current can't stop me!
rip them. Hope they don't miss it.
Is this innuendo for something?
Ye-ah, otherwise that'll be one sad wake-up in the morning.
Who knew these things were supposed to drop?
I would submit a ticket for that, I'm sure the staff would be understanding would replace it for you if you really want it. Otherwise I would just suggest buying it for cheap on the market, and they are really cheap.
Eh, there's still 3 boxes and I only want 3 of the 4 gems so don't wanna be greedy.
Well non-issue then. :]
Nope, just took me by surprise.
Of course it would be a problem if I ran out of days, but looks like I'll make it.