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Vietnam flashbacks
Kraken is perhaps the worst boss Vindictus ever has. It is the equivalent of the Matryoshka minigame of Festia in terms of mechanics, existing as a sandbag to gear check individuals.
I hope for gosh that the mechanics are not the same here. It'll essentially be Hasidim, if Hasidim had 100 times more health and stood there taking it like a statue with the goal to defeat it in 30 seconds.
Double oof.
Nether regions.
(This is where Ferghus takes off his shirt)
*Sees Kraken tentacles coming out of the water*
Oh heck n-!
I just want to lay my head on those abs.
It's disturbing to me that it's not called FUTURE CONTENT.
They literally made this category because of one person.
Hmmm... What should i keep posting to get my own category?
Maybe post excessive amount of Mabinogi related memes so we could get Mabinogi Memes category.
Mabi memes, photos, screenshots.
Yeah well that's when we harass them about it until we get it. I guess this will be a nice place to check on unreleased content so we can remind them.
It will work with enough support, like for Doki Doki island.
It took us a year and a half to get the new doki doki. Smh.