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Altam looked disappointed lol
Ferghus gets to be waifu because he didn't win either of the voting competitions.
*starts chanting* WE WANT MORE, WE WANT MORE...
all together now... WE WANT MORE, WE WANT MORE...
emphasis on either of course
They should do the one with Weird Cat like the painting in Rath.
What is your browser? Is flash enabled?
I need to save the important parts huehuehue
Yeah I did find Pihne's story the best.( if i were to rank Pihne > Talvish > Altam > Avelin) I liked to think when you rejected Pihne and she says who this someone else is. I think the character is thinking when they close their eyes "Mission failed, abort! take me away Furghus-san!" lol
And Altam seemed to be the most creepiest.
Yup, he was a weird one that chap.
One should have noticed that Avelin was the tsundere path early on from her annoyed responses, especially on Altam.