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[Announcement] Server Merge & FAQ
dear nexon, are you going to make the name change coupons available to Alexinians as well??
i know we aren't getting merged but... i really want to change my damn name and there really ISN'T a reason we shouldn't have them... even if we have to pay. just make it happen pretty please??
We're trying to get them to implement them within the week or next week from the server merge with new character and pet creation still disabled because of imminent trolls and griefers. If they release this BOTH servers would gain access to name change coupons.
DISCLAIMER: since the following post is not made by an employee of Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners, what is contained therein is ultimately speculation. Until Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners has spoken definitively on the matters to be discussed, do not take them as granted, even if the language used happens to make it seem so.
Edit: In Final Fantasy XIV, you can run into people from a different server with the same name. Just like in Mabinogi, one of each name can exist on only one server, so this means you could run into someone with the same name. They've done it, so that it shows your server on your character info when someone would check your info, but not in your actual name. And only when you speak, it'll have @server behind your name in the chat. They could have just done it as something like that too...
would result in higher avail of names than being tag Mari, Rui, Tar. ... if thats where its going then there was no point in merging this BS in the first place.
All i can say is that the Former Nao Server Users were KICKED so far to the corner with our tail between our legs and only cared for current Mari, Rui, Tarch Servers. Not an inch was cared for this event
then How the Hell are the new chars gonna be? +NewNao? cant be just +Nao cuz it was formally called a NaoServer........we really do have a Fergy President in NA Nexon.
May the Time of Server SEGREGATIONS Begin! Id like to see World PVP enabled for this change .... Mari Vs Rui VS Tarlach .... that be interesting to see...
Otherwise Nexon DO as stated above and Not half A**ing the MERGE.
if this is going thru then i really hope that the Server TAG STAYS in the Char Info and not with (ALT)
....could have edited it -.- and be on the same post..
If you only have characters on one server per account, then you should be okay. If there is another YOU on another server you may lose your name. But if they ever do a full merge (and they do it right) you'll be able to get it back. Katherz said you will lose your UI, although I don't really see why you would permanently lose it, but that's what they said.
These three Eras are on the same account and will all be moved to the Nao server, combining their dressing rooms into one. Anyone wanna bet on what will happen?
Maybe they'll keep the dressing rooms separate so for example characters originating from Ruari get to keep the Ruari version of the dressing room, and characters from Tarlach keep the version they had on Tarlach, so basically the dressing rooms will still be accessed through their own "server" and which one you will access depends on the server the character came from.
I guess that sounds a bit convoluted though but it's better than nothing. I wouldn't know what else they could do to be accommodating in the best way possible other than the option to be able to store more than 1 of each item. They'd better make this work out well, else I fear they may as well close the servers instead of merging them cause it will cause people to leave, it's already happening just from the announcement itself, after all.
I also don't understand exactly why we'd lose our UI. It's different and stored per character, it's not a specific server wide thing. so shouldn't that data just be easy to transfer, there won't be any duplicate issues after all. =/
All these possible issues this merge can bring, makes me pretty wary.
UGH. My OCD continues...
This is why I only wanted a market merge...
the shoes will fusion into one and become <shoe's name>+3
and the 3 characters will perform a dragon ball style fusion and become a new race with long ears, high stature, big build and able to use final hit final shot and final strike all togather !!!???
Oh, that's clever! Which ever survives tells you which of the three servers the other two were merged into. So, say your Mari stuff survives, then you know Nao is really Mari renamed. Nice!
Unfortunately, the clumsy gawdawful naming kludge they're using shows that they're accomplishing this merge with no new code but database manipulation alone. It should be noted that these issues of storage will only be of concern to folks that have characters on multiple servers on the same account. If your account characters are all on one server only, then you should be okay. The dressing rooms won't turn into virtual partitions based on the old servers because the old server name stored in each player record is going to be changed to Nao. Their kludge for this solution is going to be to ask us to deal with it by emptying all redundant copies, just watch.
Bank items should be fine. But bank gold will have to be merged with a script running on the database. So, that should be okay too.
Totally, I don't see why it should be affected other than Katherz said so. But that could just be Nexon getting ahead of the curve and being prudent to cover their hinnies just in case.
If they eventually go to a full merge, and do it right, that will correct any name loss/theft problems not just moving forward but retroactively.
Probably, Alexina should be unaffected? But I can't say with absolute confidence.
EDIT: Wait, that's confusing the way I wrote it. I think you'll be okay since Alexina will PROBABLY NOT be affected.
You've inspired me to do the same!
So the idea here is that:
1. everyone has a Bracelet
2. Tarlach and Ruari have Pet Instructor Glove
3. Tarlach and Mari have Cores' Thief Glove
4. Ruari and Mari have Studded Bracelet
Then, by seeing which survives, we can see which of the servers was used as the destination database and the order that the other two servers were added in.
EDIT: DOH! The Cores' Thief Gloves are the same colour!
<logs into Mari, replaces with a dark grey version>