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Your Daily Fashion!


  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    edited November 13, 2018
    @Blablah Hello welcome to the forums and to the Daily Fashion Thread! :) Sorry it took awhile for me to respond, I'll do my best to try to help. I'm definitely rusty on male fashion and since my character can't wear anything male, I don't memorize the list of equipment like I do female (I could name you off ton of female shoes no problem LOL).

    I went to the mabinogi world wiki and looked at the shoe list and here's some I think you might like if you can preview/look at them (hopefully they're not too hard to come across):
    - Ancient Vampire Boots
    - Anti-Fomor Boots (M)
    - Battleborn Shoes (M)
    - Devil Boots (M)
    - Flamerider Boots (M)
    - Heathcliff SAO Boots
    - Lance Feather Shoes (M)
    - Lunar Dragon Boots (M)
    - Magus Crest Boots (M)
    - Maike's Boots
    - Ranger Shoes (M)
    - Royal Hunter Boots (M)
    - Starlet Circle Boots (M)
    - Zorro Boots (M)
    - Bandit Shoes
    - Hamlet's Boots
    - Laertes's Boots
    - Langu Chaser Boots (M)
    - Royal Knight Boots
    - Royal Prince Boots

    I do like the boots you have on right now Halloween Vampire Boots (M) but if you want to check any of those out and see if you like them better, I'd love to see the results :) I'll ask some friends to see if they have any suggestions as well!

    Hello! I did 1 gach from the Vanguard & Assault Supply Box and got the Elite Assault Uniform (F). Which surprised even me LOL most times I don’t get anything female, let alone the one with an idle but can’t complain haha. I wasn’t planning on actually trying to get this Uniform but after dyeing and wearing it, it grew on me. The vest is pretty cute and the idle was interesting (at first glance on site, I didn’t like it LOL). Love the little bear badge that’s on the uniform (and also on the matching bracelet). Also first time showcasing the Lined Ribbon Shoes which I got really lucky finding on AH. I thought they’d be harder to dye (they looked shiny from pictures I’ve seen) but they turned out really nice. I don’t usually like ankle shoes (maybe haven’t worn them enough, there’s only a few that I like) but these ones I don’t mind, along with the Assassin Shoes (F). I definitely want to try them with different outfits. I also picked up a Skateboard though my foot goes right through it LOL. I did take a really good picture with me and Milk and with another friend.





    Outfit: Elite Assault Uniform (F)
    Headpiece: Felt’s Wig
    Shoes: Lined Ribbon Shoes
    Gloves: Assault Uniform Bracelet (F)
    Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings, Rose Halo, Chainsaw, Skateboard
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    edited November 19, 2018
    Hello! C: I’ll be honest, I actually wasn’t gonna try to get this outfit LOL I saw it on the KR Website and I thought it was adorable but it wasn’t an outfit I had to have. I was excited to see more Monochromatic Pink Dye Sets were being released and more pink Halos. I didn’t dye over the pink that was already on the dress so the lighter pink kind of blends into it but still love how it came out. I love that the wings (and halo) both have a cherry blossom petals falling effect. I think the dress has it too but I’ll double check. The dress actually moves with the pose which I thought was cool. Thought it would be fitting to take a picture with a Cherry Blossom Tree (HS). I used the Silly Me Gesture (which came from the Summoning Loot-o’Lantern gach) for some cool poses. I forgot to include the pictures I took with Milk on my post (RIP just saw them now in album) but I'll include one here c:




    Outfit: Cherry Blossom Dress (F)
    Headpiece: Felt Wig (F)
    Shoes: Lily’s Romantic Winter Boots (F)
    Gloves: Lady Waffle Cone Heart Ring
    Accessories: Cherry Blossom Wings, Spring Bloom Cherry Blossom Halo
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    Hello! I had posted this one before the Cherry Blossom on my tumblr but I accidentally skipped it here oops. This is the Special Peony Mini Qipao which looking at it now, might need to re-dye the flower (it blends into the dress too much RIP). Besides the Special Mist Kimono, I really liked this outfit from the Magical Bingo Gachapon. The pose is adorable as well. I forgot I took pictures with the Lined Ribbon Shoes (liked how the pink ribbon looked against the brown socks) since I hadn’t dyed the shoes that goes with the outfit. LOL but would still love to use these shoes with more outfits. I also asked Milk to take pictures with me in the male version the Special Fine Phoenix Changpao (M). C: Milk looking good in it ♥




    Outfit: Special Peony Mini Qipao
    Headpiece: Cherry Blossom Wig (F)
    Shoes: Lined Ribbon Shoes
    Gloves: China 7th Anniversary Ring
    Accessories: Pink Diamond Rings, Rose Halo, Pink Bunny Tail and Bow
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    Hello! Sorry been a couple days. Dx I was on the fence about getting the Special Mist Kimono (F) because I saw that it had an undyeable black and gold part. And it was super expensive for awhile but when the price dropped, I decided to go ahead and get it thinking might not get another chance at its lower price. I love the pose it has and the design of it (minus the undyeable parts RIP). Due to me dyeing the part that was originally white to brown, the socks ended up turning brown as well RIP so no sandals. opted to use boots and went with Lily’s Romantic Winter Boots (F). I thought about using Emilia Wig (F) or Felt Wig (F) with the outfit but pulled out Private Academy Braided Bangs Wig and Ornament (F) since I think I only wore it once (and didn’t even have it dyed brown). Loved how it came out, especially since the ornament matched similar to the flower on the belt. I didn’t wear any Wings or Tail because it clipped really bad with the back bow (which I really like). My homestead is kind of a cluttered disaster right now (eventually I’ll move stuff around and put up new stuff RIP) so I snuck pictures from inside Milk’s HS C: Using the Cherry Blossom and Pond bridge and the Oriental Gazebo (which I really wanted but it was out of my price range RIP) which I have posted on my tumblr. I got the new Welcome Gesture and thought it looked awesome with the outfit.



    Outfit: Special Mist Kimono (F)
    Headpiece: Private Academy Braided Bangs Wig and Ornament (F)
    Shoes: Lily’s Romantic Winter Boots (F)
    Gloves: China 7th Anniversary Ring
    Accessories: Rose Ring Halo
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    Hello, I’ve been wanting this outfit for years since its first release. No surprise I paid the same amount I would have paid if I had gotten it the first time (it was a pain to try and get this time too RIP). After I got it, more popped up RIP my luck haha. I never saw anyone dye this in pink so I really wanted to see what it would look like in pink and be Edge Lady Princess LOL. I actually forgot that the middle part had a design (I only remember Milk’s suit and it was black LOL) and that the gold parts on it are actually dyeable (I left it alone because I actually liked it, might dye silver in future). I wanted to still look feminine while wearing the suit so I used the Emilia Wig (F) though I guess could still pull off being male (not as much). I got the set (minus Wig RIP funds ran low when it was in my price range) but the gloves and shoes aren’t dyed (ran low on dyes too LOL RIP) and I had been so focused on trying to get the outfit, I wasn’t sure what to wear with it. Decided to opt for one of my favorite pairs of shoes and ring. My last picture is the one I added to the top of my tumblr, absolutely love how it came out (and asked Milk if could take a picture with me ♥)



    Outfit: Eluned Mortello’s Pitch Black Suit (F)
    Headpiece: Emilia Wig (F)
    Shoes: Lily’s Romantic Winter Boots (F)
    Gloves: Lady Waffle Cone Heart Ring
    Accessories: Dominion Wings (Dyeable), Rose Ring Halo
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    Hello! Today we have the Eluned Steampunk Inventor Suit (F). I really liked the male version of steampunk so glad to see that we got an eluned version. (Still crossing fingers for a Eluned Detective c: ). I left the shirt white because I actually liked it better than dyeing it pink (and darker shade of pink didn’t look as good in preview RIP). This time I opted for short hair and went with a wig I haven’t used yet, the Deputy Commander Wig (F). I wasn’t gonna get the wig at first but after seeing how someone used it, I wanted to see how it would look on my character. First time using the Assault Uniform Boots (F) as well. I thought about dyeing them brown (since alot of my outfits end up with pink socks RIP) but they looked too similar to the Lisbeth Boots so I went ahead and dyed them pink. I hadn’t used the Lovely Cupid Double Heart Halo with anything so thought it look nice with this (I know its kind of off RIP but still tried). Used the new Research Gesture for the pose with the book.



    Outfit: Eluned Steampunk Inventor Suit (F)
    Headpiece: Deputy Commander Wig (F)
    Shoes: Assault Uniform Boots (F)
    Gloves: Lady Waffle Cone Heart Ring
    Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings, Lovely Cupid Double Heart Halo
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    Hello! More pants outfits! Haha next is the Eluned Waffle Wizard Suit (F) which doesn’t have a pose (I was using the Sillyme Gesture) but is still pretty awesome itself (like the Waffle Witch Dress). I used the Fledgling Assassin Wig (F) because I wanted the ribbons on the wig to match the one on the collar. And this outfit doesn’t have socks RIP but I used the Eluned Chillin’ Urban Shoes (F), thought sneakers looked good with this outfit (wish they were little higher though). I have the other pieces (Hat, Hat + Wig, and Shoes) but I will wear them with something else (especially excited to use the Eluned Waffle Wizard Hat (F) ).



    Outfit: Eluned Waffle Wizard Suit (F)
    Headpiece: Fledgling Assassin Wig (F)
    Shoes: Eluned Chillin’ Urban Shoes (F)
    Gloves: Lady Waffle Cone Heart Ring
    Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    Hello! The first two pictures are actually poses from the Gesture Active Listening (which I actually loved how they came out more than the poses I captured from the idle RIP). I usually love frilly dresses and cute skirts more than pants but I love all the Eluned Outfits that come out for females. I love the design of the male version of Fledgling Assassin Outfit and was excited to see it in Eluned form. I love both versions of the (F) outfit as well (and own both LOL). I was gonna use the Fledgling Assassin Wig (F) but went with Felt’s Wig since i just used the Fledgling Assassin Wig with the Eluned Waffle Wizard Suit (F). The Eluned Assassin didn’t come with shoes so with the time constraint I had at the time, I just used Lily’s Romantic Winter Boots (F) which worked pretty well (no clipping). I didn’t wear any Wings or Tail due to the Cape.




    Outfit: Eluned Fledgling Assassin Outfit (F)
    Headpiece: Felt’s Wig (F)
    Shoes: Lily’s Romantic Winter Boots (F)
    Gloves: Meet-Cute Bracelet
    Accessories: N/A
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    Hello! During the Halloween Event, I wanted to get a Giant Bat Hat in pink. This was probably the closest one I could find (though I found another one that’s lighter recently) since the main part isn’t dyeable. So I was wearing this outfit for awhile (I know its not camping appropriate LOL) and thought I’d go ahead and take pictures. I also took pictures with Milk <3 I found a sleeping bag for a good price so I took pictures in it beside Milk. LOL my character is so small, can only see the top of the Giant Bat Hat. Hope everyone has wonderful holiday <3




    Outfit: School Sportswear (F)
    Headpiece: Giant Bat Hat
    Shoes: Lined Ribbon Shoes
    Gloves: Camping Patterned Wristband (F)
    Accessories: Cherry Blossom Hummingbird Wings, Sleeping Bag
  • TabariTabari
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,590
    Posts: 58

    Head: Wiggling Ribbon Kitty Headband
    Outfit: Northern Lights Armor (F)
    Hands: Northern Lights Gauntlets (F)
    Feet: Northern Lights Greaves (F)
    Tail: Fluffy Kitty Tail
    Robe: Wings of Darkness
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    @Tabari Hello! Good to see you again! Love the armor set, I just recently got it too. c: Will hopefully have pictures for it next year.

    Still bit behind on posts for outfits (My tumblr has maybe 2 or 3 that haven't been posted) but will try to post in next many of them before the New Years! This is probably the last few pictures where my character has the dusty pink rose color hair that humans had (with the new race update, I went ahead and changed to the pink hair that we got from elves). Not that it matters since most of the time I use wigs LOL but seeing my character’s actual hair sometimes is nice (was little worried they wouldn’t let me change the color since this hair can’t have hair dyes used on it). Anyway this outfit has been sitting in my dressing room for awhile, I got it awhile back for the Dressing Room Title and finally made an outfit with it. Trudy Hunting Suit, can be worn by either gender (cept Giants sorry qq) Casual Snapback Cap, Vanguard Uniform Shoes (F), and Millia’s Gloves. Was excited to finally wear the Casual Snapback Cap with an outfit though I think it sits little high on my head like the other Caps (Snapback Cap, Chillin’ Urban Cap) but still love the design. The Cat on it isn’t dyeable but still cute. Also got both the Camping Backpacks while the Camping Gach was out, showcasing the Adventurous Camping Backpack here with the Pinwheel (it had so many dye parts omg LOL was weird) and will eventually find an outfit to go with the Practical Camping Backpack.




    Outfit: Trudy Hunting Suit
    Headpiece: Casual Snapback Cap
    Shoes: Vanguard Uniform Shoes (F)
    Gloves: Millia’s Gloves
    Accessories: Adventurous Camping Backpack
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    edited December 31, 2018
    Hello! To catch up to my Tumblr before the New Year, gonna ahead and post my last 2 outfits of the year. Also happy to see that this post is the 400th post on this thread :) so happy to keep this thread going and can't wait to see everyone's outfits in 2019! I will have an outfit ready for New Years Tomorrow <3 Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful New Years Eve! :)

    First up is Autumn Outfit (F). I've had it for awhile but I finally put together an outfit for it. I took pictures in a new location for the seasonal theme, outfit has no Idle Pose so I used gestures. Also had this wig for awhile but decided to dye it brown and wear it more. Have out my handy Maple Leaf as well :D



    Outfit: Autumn Outfit (F)
    Headpiece: Mysterious Girl Wig (F)
    Shoes: Assistant Teacher Ribbon Shoes
    Gloves: Lady Waffle Cone Heart Ring
    Accessories: Maple Leaf

    Second is one of my favorites, Autumn Breeze Dress (F) (also Autumn haha) and the Traveler's Suitcase. I didn't expect the dress to have so many dye parts (blessing and a curse sometimes) but definitely love that the flowers on the dress were dyeable. Also it was nice that the Autumn Breeze Dress (F) came with an idle pose with the Suitcase (if you didn't have the Traveler's Suitcase) Wanted the Traveler's Suitcase since I saw someone with it on Day 1 and glad I finally got it. Usually I would have dyed it pink and brown but this time I dyed it all pink similar to a luggage I own in real life (I have a picture of it on my Tumblr if anyone wants to see) that I got from Target. It bothered me that even though I used the same dye on the Traveler's Suitcase and Autumn Breeze Dress (F), the suitcase came out lighter (guessing its just the material RIP) but I hate dyeing over pinks and eventually got used to the suitcase not really same color as the dress (but still pink). Also first picture where my hair color has been changed to the Salmon Pink (from the all races dressing room update) C: Also got a picture with a friend <3




    Outfit: Autumn Breeze Dress (F)
    Headpiece: Romantic Straw Hat
    Shoes: Lined Ribbon Shoes
    Gloves: Lady Waffle Cone Heart Ring
    Accessories: Traveler’s Suitcase, Pink Diamond Wings
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    Hello! Happy New Years! Hope everyone is doing well and I’m ecstatic to post the Elegant Deity Wear (F) as my first outfit for 2019. I saw pictures of the long version in pink and I wanted to get one, the short version this time (longer one was higher price vs shorter one). I already decided on the non-idle pose one since I didn’t really care for the Idle. I wasn’t prepared for how many parts there were LOL. The main part of the dress and middle part was easy enough since that was cloth. The other 3 parts that were all metal, was little tougher. The gem part I used a pink fixed metal dye and a matching one for the gem on the shoes. I managed to to dye both metal parts (though think the sleeves is little darker than the middle part, they both match the shoes weirdly enough) and here’s my result. I was wearing this outfit for over a week with the Peaceful Clutch giving me idle standing pose. I kind of forgot the Rose Ring Halo in some of my pictures but definitely love how the Halo and Dominion Wings (Dyeable) looked with the outfit. Also wore the Autumn Breeze Twin Tail Wig (F), love it with this outfit. I have more pictures up on my Tumblr if interested in seeing. C: Here's hoping for another awesome year of wonderful outfits!



    Outfit: Elegant Deity Wear (F)
    Headpiece: Autumn Breeze Twin Tail Wig (F)
    Shoes: Noblesse Deity Shoes (F)
    Gloves: Lady Waffle Cone Heart Ring
    Accessories: Peaceful Clutch, Rose Ring Halo, Dominion Wings (Dyeable)

  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    Hello! I had this outfit sitting in my dressing room awhile and finally found a Wig and Shoes to pair it with. Kind of reminds me of an anime character. I think its the first time using Private Academy Loafers (F). They have kind of a sheen to them (which is probably why I haven’t used them before) but I liked how they looked with the Female Business Suit. And love the pose that the Traveler’s Suitcase gives (definitely one of my favorite hand-helds <3 ) with this outfit. Uh ignore the wings LOL sometimes I forget they’re on.



    Outfit: Female Business Suit
    Headpiece: Autumn Twin Tail Wig (F)
    Shoes: Private Academy Loafers (F)
    Gloves: Meet-Cute Bracelet
    Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings, Traveler’s Suitcase
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    Hello! I know I’ve already done this outfit before but I pulled out this sword and I’m like….Hmmmm lets dye this….YASSSS now let’s put on Mystic Crystal Outfit (F) YESSSSSS looking awesome haha. Its the sword from the Re-Zero Crossover, Sword Saint Reinhard’s Sword and I got it with the extra tickets I had. I didn’t know that it gave a different sword pose though till I went to dye it and equipped the sword. I finally dye the Mystic Crystal Boots (F) and love how they go with the outfit (I didn’t think they’d look good dyed in pink and brown). I haven’t dyed the Mystic Crystal Gloves (F) yet so I’m using the Majestic Knight Gauntlets (F). Love how it all came out.



    Outfit: Mystic Crystal Outfit (F)
    Headpiece: Felt’s Wig
    Shoes: Mystic Crystal Boots (F)
    Gloves: Majestic Knight Gauntlets (F)
    Accessories: Sword Saint Reinhard’s Sword, Dominion Wings (Dyeable)
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    @Anemki Hello, congrats on getting an apartment with Queenleona and sad to see you go but hope everything is going well! I don't mind, its fashion related. Hope alot of people buy your items and use them :) (I know I brought a few haha).

    Also congrats on getting the Fashion Contest in the Journal and love the Teal Wig with the Loose-Fit Knitwear, simple but good. :D

    Hello! I was supposed to post this on Christmas last year (2018) but I took pictures late and was gone most of the day that I didn’t get around to it RIP. So I’m posting it now. I got this Premium Elf Winter Newbie Wear (F) back when it first came out but I gave it away because of lack of space (before dressing room). I got another one recently but it had been sitting in my dressing room. Finally got around to taking pictures of it along with the Classic Santa Hat (F) (from previous Hide-n-Seek event, never could find the boots or gloves for the set RIP and the hat is only for females, no male one RIP) and Premium Winter Newbie Boots which I also sold but got back. Also found the Candy Cane I kept as a prop (came in Pink, they’re dyeable though) and funny enough my Bunny tail kind of matches the fluff. Also I don’t do it a lot but I took pictures of my new snowman pet because she became one of my favorite pets. I wanted this specific snowman because of the cute bow. I love that you can ride and fly with this pet and how bouncy and adorable she is. Reminds me of a soft plushie I own LOL. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and is having a good year :D




    Outfit: Premium Elf Winter Newbie Wear (F)
    Headpiece: Classic Santa Hat (F)
    Shoes: Premium Winter Newbie Boots
    Gloves: Meet-Cute Bracelet
    Accessories: Pink Rabbit Tail with Bow, Candy Cane
  • TabariTabari
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,590
    Posts: 58
    Finally completed the set! Now I just need to get the trims of the parts the same colour, just don't know what to use.

    Head: Dark Knight Helm
    Outfit: Dark Knight Armor (F)
    Hands: Dark Knight Gauntlets
    Feet: Dark Knight Boots (F)
    Tail: Fluffy Kitty Tail
    Robe: Black Diamond Wings
  • roastedpigroastedpig
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,040
    Posts: 122
    edited January 20, 2019
    I haven't posted/shared any outfits since the first thread, I think, but i really do like how this combination turned out sooo, sharing? xD?


    Head: Abaddon Nobility Wig and Horns
    Outfit: Black Swan Dress
    Hands: Abaddon Sovereign Gloves
    Feet: Night Witch Boots
    Tail: Fomor Devil Tail
    Wings: Bloody Saint Guardian's Spread Sword Wings
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    @Tabari Congrats on getting the set and hope you can find a color to match the trims! :) It looks good so far!

    @roastedpig Hello! Its good to see you again and love how you dye the Black Swan Dress, kind of reminds me of a Phoenix :D And the Bloody Saint Guardian's Spread Sword Wings and Abaddon Nobility Wig and Horns are very match well :D love the boots and gloves as well.

    Hello! When this outfit first came out, I didn’t care much for it. I assumed it be super expensive and it wasn’t a frilly dress LOL so I passed on it (So much regrets on missing the Puppets from this gach, didn’t realize they were dyeable RIP ;o;). Well while saving up to buy something (forgot what LOL) I found this on AH cheaper than I expected (special version too) so I said why not and brought it.It’s become one of my favorite outfits LOL and I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t even like it at first DX It looks so adorable on a younger character (I think I used an Age 9 Pot) and the Idle is super cute. Also knocked another item off my wishlist: The Steampunk Inventress Wig (F). A friend found it in a shop and it was cheaper than usually so I grabbed it, love how it looks. In probably the next post, I’ll explain why my eyes are different LOL (spur of the moment change haha). I also got a picture with Milk who had changed into the male version of the Special Casual Training Wear (F).




    Outfit: Special Casual Training Wear (F)
    Headpiece: Steampunk Inventress Wig (F)
    Shoes: Lily’s Romantic Winter Boots (F)
    Gloves: Casual Date Glow Bracelets
    Accessories: Pink Demon Wings
  • MusicatMusicat
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,550
    Posts: 289
    edited January 27, 2019
    Tabari wrote: »
    just don't know what to use.
    There's a universal rule (almost, I'm not being much serious, in fact). Use Fixed Metal Dye for everything that shines and common Fixed Dye for opaque parts.

    @LittleCeci, pink as always. From now on I proclaim you Bears-Pink-Shades. Or not. Whatever you like.

    Uh, yeah, hello and Happy New Year (#betterlatethannever)! I saw a Space Cat Helmet on sale and suddenly came up with an idea of a usual DJ outfit with a digital casket, which I was overthinking for quite a period irl as fitting my nickname. I used some flashy dye on the helmet's window to make it look a bit like those caskets. Had no intention to use paws and a tail at first, but then decided to involve them too, therefore having a full image now. Had to dye pretty everything, because they all were of different colours. Someone said that I should leave the costume as is, because it looks like having a cat's white belly 0w0
    Featured clothes: Space Cat Helmet (b&d*), Subaru Outfit (dyed lines), Puppy Gloves (dyed), Puppy Shoes (dyed), Ferris Tail (b&d), Thalysse**(dyed)
    P. S. Don't mind Voight and the balloon >w<
    P. P. S. Female outfit still under construction.
    *bought and dyed **my bow spirit, I thought she should be mentioned as well since she appeared on the screenshots