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You should read threads better before posting.
Some people did all steps necessary to get their names changed, but Nexon's potato quality job makes it still impossible.
Thank you to everyone who has mentioned this.
Apparently I did get a house after all on a random alt and completely forgot about it.
While I didn't have any items there, the check was causing the "Character has items in cash shop" error. ^^;;
I feel so relieved. ^^
And this is how problems are solved. Patience and sharing of knowledge.
I lost no names, but I gained names. Alexina players still have to secure their names as well in the case of a merge.
Yeah I aint paying you for Gaea. I decided to drop that name like a hot potato. So have fun with that. Also have fun with the consequences of your trolling.
and you had plenty of time to do so...
So there's no reason to make a fuss about this.
Godspeed to whoever snagged Gaea. Oof, that name comes with a rep yo. I still get random hate mail under that name occasionally, mostly from ignorant people. But hey it will be interesting to see my old name running around. Just know it has some history attached to it and you may encounter some strange people with vendettas or other mental problems.
You've been warned. XD
I still haven't completely decided if I am going to change my name on here...
We really need to stop saying things like this about Alexina.
I understand. I hope you can find something better.
Find me proof Alexina will never be merged?
Well they are not going to outright say it. That would cause problems. Think logically about this though. Games need server options, we have 2 servers, that's normal. Also we're not going to go through another scrambling for names. That right there is proof enough.
It's more likely that sometime in the distant future they will release server transfer coupons. That's realistic reality there.