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post your best mabinogi meme
Missing Mabi Official discord lewd emoji
You mean she's got a big personality.
I has more than I needs that I'm willing to give free at this point XD FINALLY opened most those bags and boxes from the past couple of events....and I've still got a bag left to clear XD
This should prompt a meme on Mabi inventory.
How do Succubuses and Incubuses use bows?
Today is the day where a noun becomes an adverb.
Greta is gonna report you. XD
Arrow-tically...erotically. Succubuses and Incubuses are sex demons.
I know what Succubus/Incubus is... The pun didn't go well though.
It tried to reach a place without actually arriving
The kind my brothers make all the time..... -.-"
Bliss if you're gonna pun can't you at least TRY next time ;P
Sorry, puns about archery are as risky as the string of a bow.
There are just too many...drawbacks.
That's a LITTLE better but its not groan-worthy yet so........
1 point, go back to the drawing board
Your magical broom must be a used mop, because that was such a dirty joke.
You know though, if it decided to fly mid-routine, that'd be both amazing and awful at the same time
Just hope you've got a good grip on that thing
Should be done in wyvern territory.