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See? Shaping up already!
I almost forgot I could use keyboard last night, I was trying to click a couple buttons that wasn't responding and missed a move, luckily it wasn't costly.
The final had 14 and it can be found here.
An up-and-coming elven player, showed great progress in their play and took the championship convincingly this week.
The final had 10 and it can be found here.
Slow log-in problems adversely effected turn-out but we still managed a four-rounder. Before June, of last year, I would register for the tournament then quit out immediately after it began. Since then I remain in the tournament but I don't control my characters and just let them auto-joust. This is the best I can do to be fair to my opponents and everyone else in the tournament while remaining in the tournament. The advantage of my characters participating is that it allows more characters to get farther into the tournament and more points, for the jousting shop, are awarded overall. So, until now that's about, say, 46 weeks. With two characters, that's around 92 matches. If I face an NPC then I actually do try because it's better for everyone if I can beat the NPC. Well, one of my characters finally auto-won against a non-NPC! So that's around a 1% chance to beat a real person by auto-jousting. Well, I mean unless they're a newbie or just really unlucky.
The final had 16-1 and it can be found here.
A great turn-out. Taller me faced the NPC in the first round and I managed to win ensuring no more NPCs for the rest of the tournament. The semi-final had three elves and one human; you don't see that very often. The human, who is the most successful jouster to come out of Tarlach, won.
The final had 14-1 and it can be found here.
We saw the return of a long absent Alexinan veteran, who wasn't rusty a bit, as they went on to take the cup.
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If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.
The final had 12-1 and it can be found here.
We nearly had a repeat of last week's final but Gornevez did what Gornevez does and we had a *spoilt tournament*; first one of the year, in fact.
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If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.
*_* A spoilt tournament is one where the final round has more than two contestants but only one wins, leaving no one else to challenge them for an additional round.
Annoyingly, as Nexon is wont, the written details are wrapped up in JPGs. Pan found this translation on Dischord.
The final had 11-1 and it can be found here.
Another *spoilt tournament* as that damnable Gornevez strikes again!
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If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.
*_* A spoilt tournament is one where the final round has more than two contestants but only one wins, leaving no one else to challenge them for an additional round.
EDIT UPDATE: Pan found this gameplay video.
EDIT UPDATE 2: I created this YouTube query. Make sure to set the filter to "by upload date".
Thanks valley. I've been investigating the game play in the live-steams from Korea. I feel apprehensive about how damage works but I think I'll try the game out for a while first before I decide how I feel about it.
The final had 10-1 and it can be found here.
Yet another *spoilt tournament* as that Gornevez earns their paycheck for May!
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If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.
*_* A spoilt tournament is one where the final round has more than two contestants but only one wins, leaving no one else to challenge them for an additional round.
The final had 7, so no final this week.
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If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.
The final had 8-1 and it can be found here.
I got caught napping and started my recording several seconds late. It's a good thing that I have two computers and make a back-up recording which I used this week. So, this week you can see my Alexina character jousting rather than my, usual, Ruairi character.
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If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.
The final had 10-1 and it can be found here.
Tarlach's most experienced jouster takes the championship, this week in a close one, against one of Mari's best.
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If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.
Can you be more specific?