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EDIT: *facepalm* After i said this, they realized it's now a "GOOD" time and idea to inform me why the thread got nuked after 2 WEEKS. Really now. Smh.
To create the ultimate chimera final boss of the game?
You forgot to add your IGN+Server. They'll never take it seriously unless you do! Mwa ha ha ha! >}:^{D>
Oh fine! I'll do it!
Seconded: Helsa0151 of Alexina
I'll jump on board! I mean idk if it'll help but..
IGN: Mizuli
Server: Nao (Formerly Mari)
Finally some support from Nao server!
It's inevitable Merge them all!
Kenkosama of Mari/Nao
Nexon does conference calls with shareholders, why can't they have conference calls with customers and actually listen to what customers want?