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Challenge! Point Mission Season 3
Duffel Coat... Alchemist in-Training...
Really Nexon? Lost all ideas i see.
I guess the sweater makes up for it?
Also that Tea Table chair is being recycled for the 51665 time as well.
EDIT: Oh crap i'm spreading negativity or something like that. Because apparently i'm on every thread being toxic or negative and i ruin forums by criticizing Nexon's work.
People are so delusional sometimes, they don't even seem to notice how Nexon is tricking into thinking that they do something original, but they actually keep recycling same items and events. Instead, they will gladly go with original designs through Gachas. At least try to not be so obvious Nexon, because now it's 100% obvious how recycled everything is. You know where recycled stuff goes? Into the bin.
Did you just get written up or something? XD
You can always go rant on the KR forums instead, it's not like NA can stop events and gachas that they make. I know people use google translate, its so easy, so go on ahead and rant on their forums instead.
Sadly i don't know where to go and also don't speak korean to be able to communicate with them. Google Translate communication is terrible and cringy.
What do you mean? Sorry, but i don't know the meaning of this.