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Elsie Concerns Me

Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
Posts: 1,180
in General Chat
Is it normal for Squires to keep track of me?
pawcalypseKingEphyIyasenuLeineiWolfsingerRadiant Dawnstarkiller1286Danievictria


  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    edited September 28, 2019
    TNinja wrote: »
    Is it normal for Squires to keep track of me?
    Oh, that? You're worried from Elsie? I don't blame you for that you make her in your squire team for missions&other stuff but, be careful; she can go all empty cold eyes on you if you talk about she dislikes like Dai for example. *Makes chilly face*
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    She also keeps track of how many times you've kicked her out of your squad.

  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    Jeez, just marry her before someone suddenly disappears...

    She gives the thirsty look, and the feeling I get is mixed between Death or "Love"
    Radiant Dawn
  • pawcalypsepawcalypse
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,705
    Posts: 498
    Besides the fact that she wields a giant mallet, is she a "yandere"?
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Are we starting this again?

    Where's Eirlys's and Kanna's recognition?
  • AerunisAerunis
    Mabinogi Rep: 800
    Posts: 19
    edited September 29, 2019
    pawcalypse wrote: »
    Besides the fact that she wields a giant mallet, is she a "yandere"?

    Maybe just a lil bit?
    SherriRadiant Dawnpawcalypsestarkiller1286
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    See, this is why I don't show any special favor/go places with any of them and treat them all the exact same aka working dogs under my heels that must behave or will be punished. I maintain a strict discipline and working regimen, and they follow it to the letter. They've become pretty good mutts over time...

    ....on another note though, this is making me laugh, cause I still view her as the shy little sister I've adopted. Like honestly, she's tiny and nervous and wields a giant mallet about as large as she is, what's not to adore?
  • AerunisAerunis
    Mabinogi Rep: 800
    Posts: 19
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    See, this is why I don't show any special favor/go places with any of them and treat them all the exact same aka working dogs under my heels that must behave or will be punished. I maintain a strict discipline and working regimen, and they follow it to the letter. They've become pretty good mutts over time...

    ....on another note though, this is making me laugh, cause I still view her as the shy little sister I've adopted. Like honestly, she's tiny and nervous and wields a giant mallet about as large as she is, what's not to adore?
    I mean, she is my fav squire. I'm def not being held hostage or anything ^^;

    Radiant DawnWolfsinger
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    Aerunis wrote: »
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    See, this is why I don't show any special favor/go places with any of them and treat them all the exact same aka working dogs under my heels that must behave or will be punished. I maintain a strict discipline and working regimen, and they follow it to the letter. They've become pretty good mutts over time...

    ....on another note though, this is making me laugh, cause I still view her as the shy little sister I've adopted. Like honestly, she's tiny and nervous and wields a giant mallet about as large as she is, what's not to adore?
    I mean, she is my fav squire. I'm def not being held hostage or anything ^^;

    See someone holding a hammer above your head...
  • MegasoulMegasoul
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,735
    Posts: 148
    ... Yikes. I thought Kanna was a little pushy but this takes the cake. The difference between the guys and the girls is as long as the English Channel for Baltane huh, because all I remember from Logan and Dai is that their dialogue reflects the status of your health, stamina, etc. Maybe I should start reading those mission updates...
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    I think many NPCs in this game are of concern.
  • starkiller1286starkiller1286
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,790
    Posts: 127
    Ok now I got to open up that squire cheatsheet and level up more than just kanna and eirys probably should read those
    reports too.
  • LutetiumLutetium
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,605
    Posts: 239
    Yandere is objectively best dere.
    Yes that's all I have to say no three page long post full of math today.
    pawcalypseBlissfulkillRadiant DawnWolfsinger
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Lutetium wrote: »
    Yandere is objectively best dere.
    Yes that's all I have to say no three page long post full of math today.

    As a yandere, I appreciate this.

    Though I have standards and don't kill or get jealous, only overprotective to an unhealthy and violent amount
    pawcalypseRadiant DawnWolfsinger
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    Should I be worried that I always ignored every squire report?

    Now that this has gotten my attention...


  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    Rhey wrote: »
    Should I be worried that I always ignored every squire report?

    Now that this has gotten my attention...


    Me when I solo too often in the game and my guild wanted my attention for Tech Duin because I HATE Elite with a passion.